Chained Soldier episode 11 was officially released on Thursday, March 14, 2024, bringing with it the exciting continuation of the Demon Defense Force’s battle against the Humanoid Shuuki. However, their battle was interrupted by a sudden appearance and shocking introduction, setting up an exciting second season for the Winter 2024 anime series.
Chained Soldier episode 11 also does a great job of showing just how creatively the series’ various Mato Peach powers can be used in a battle sense. Himari and Yachiho Azuma’s battle specifically highlights this, with the unique powers of each being used in tandem to create a nigh unstoppable force.
Chained Soldier episode 11 sets up the Demon Defense Force and Humanoid Shuuki to join forces
Brief episode recap

Chained Soldier episode 11 began with a focus on Nei Ookawamura, who was worried for the others while staying behind at the 7th Squad dormitory. Focus then returned to Aoba Wakura versus Kyouka Uzen and Tenka Izumo, with Kyouka fighting the Unihorn and Izumi handling Aoba for the most part.
Kyouka took a moment to collect herself before laying into the Unihorn, while Aoba struggled to grasp and counter Izumo’s powers. However, after realizing that Izumo can do more than just teleport, she attempted to use superhuman speed to counter Izumo’s black hole ability. She then almost landed a hit, but was dodged at the last moment, opening herself up for attack.
Chained Soldier episode 11 saw Aoba and Izumo’s battle proceed in this matter for quite some time, until Aoba consumed another Mato Peach. This caused her power to swell incredibly, forcing Izumo to take a step back herself and assess the situation. Aoba continued to guess where Izumo would teleport out of, revealing her senses are heightened after eating a Mato Peach.

Aoba then revealed her plan to win by a war of attrition, prompting Izumo to reveal that she can teleport 666 times in a row, effectively giving her all the time she needs to wait for Kyouka’s victory. Focus then shifted to Shushu Suruga and Sahara Wakasa versus Coco Zenibako, with Shushu switching tactics to crushing Coco given her Mato Peach abilities.
However, Chained Soldier episode 11 saw this prove to be unsuccessful, with Coco emerging unscathed. Shushu then became infuriated at the thought of what Coco and the others did to Yuuki, while Sahara shared that Kumadoushi is the same Shuuki which attacked Kagoshima eight years earlier in a Mato Mishap.
Shushu then took a stand and claimed their victory was imminent, telling Sahara to use Formation S. This prompted Sahara to begin running away with a shrunken Shushu, throwing her into Kumadoushi’s mouth. Shushu then used her powers to grow from the inside out of Kumadoushi, ripping him apart and killing him in the process.

Chained Soldier episode 11 then saw Shushu grab one of Kumadoushi’s teeth and charge at Coco with it using her Mato Peach ability, With this, the two successfully defeated Coco. However, additional Shuuki then appeared, with Sahara also collapsing from exhaustion. This distracted the two Demon Defense Force soldiers from realizing that Coco was using her own powers to heal both herself and Kumadoushi.
Focus then shifted to Himari and Yachiho Azuma’s battle against Naon Yuno, where Himari had just been seemingly fatally attacked by a Shuuki and Yuno. Yachiho rewound time in an attempt to save Himari’s life, successfully doing so. She was able to warn Himari about the attack likewise, but also alerted Yuno to the true nature of her ability as a result.
Chained Soldier episode 11 then saw Yachiho freeze time as the Shuuki Akura threw spears at Himari. Yachiho then used her power once more as several Shuuki approached Himari from behind, sharing that she was indeed overusing her ability. Yuno then appeared out of nowhere and attempted to kill Himari, who blocked the sword strike with a sword of her own.

Himari then claimed it was her turn to protect Yachiho, handling the fighting while she rested. Yuno then shared confidence in her victory with Akura, as Yachiho and Himari got back-to-back with each other. The two then discussed their best course of action, with Himari then sharing she has a secret weapon she hasn’t tested before, but is confident it’ll work.
Chained Soldier episode 11 then saw Himari turn her hair into a multitude of weapons, all of which then fired blindly at every area of the cavern they were fighting in. This exposed Yuno, allowing Yachiho to use her Primetime ability to rewind time by 10 seconds. She then shared with this Himari that the plan worked, before identifying exactly where Yuno and Akura were hiding.
With Yuno and Akura seemingly defeated, focus returned to Aoba and Kyouka’s shared battles. Izumo then tricked Aoba into attacking the Unihorn, setting Kyouka up for an attack on Aoba herself. After thanking Kyouka, Izumo then used her Ame-no-Mitori to land a direct hit with a black hole on Aoba. However, her resolve seemingly wavered briefly, allowing Aoba to land a devastating attack on her.

Chained Soldier episode 11 then saw the ground give out beneath Kyouka and the Unihorn, as Izumo laid before Yuuki and passed out from the attack. Izumo shared she hesitated due to not wanting to make Yuuki upset about the death of his sister, calling it a careless mistake due to the new feelings she’s had lately. Aoba said she liked Izumo for considering Yuuki’s feelings, prompting her to hilariously consider a future with Aoba as her sister-in-law.
Izumo then said she couldn’t fight anymore, prompting Aoba to give the pair a chance to retreat. Coco and Kumadoushi then showed up with Aoba, sharing that Akura has died and that the other fighters are on their way here. Kyouka then gave Aoba a chance to surrender in turn, while Nei was shown detecting something nearby the group as this happened.
Chained Soldier episode 11 saw Shikoku and the other Humanoid Shuuki appear, introducing themselves as gods. Aoba and the other unnamed Humanoid Shuuki stared each other down, while Aoba and Yuno were abducted by the pair. Shikoku called Aoba and the others inferior beings, revealing themselves as the Eight Thunder Gods who control the Shuuki and desire the death of the human race.
The other unnamed Thunder God, revealed to be Jouryuu, then attacked, prompting Aoba to shield Kyouka and Yuuki. However, the Unihorn then attacked Aoba, seemingly confirming Shikoku’s claims that they control the Shuuki. She revealed this was due to it being bitten by one of her snakes, restoring its murderous and untamed nature.
The Unihorn also seemingly received a power boost from the snake bite, taking on a new and seemingly much more powerful form. Chained Soldier episode 11 then saw Kyouka free and transform Yuuki, with the pair stepping up against the Unihorn after. The episode ended with Yuuki and the Unihorn charging at each other.
In review
As one of the most revelatory and action-heavy installments in the series thus far, episode 11 serves as a fantastic penultimate episode for Chained Soldier’s premiere season. While it’s unclear how the series will move forward from here, this intrigue serves to further attract fans and inspire demand for a second season.
Chained Soldier episode 11's ambiguity in this regard is also one of its strong points, setting up a jaw-dropping finale to the first season. While it’s unclear exactly what will happen as of this article’s writing, fans can expect to be on the edge of their seats regardless of what happens next.
In summation
Overall, episode 11 serves as a great end to the Yuuki rescue mission and setup for the overall finale of Chained Soldier season 1. While the series has yet to be confirmed for a second season, the series is clearly doing everything it can in its final outings to secure the demand needed to make one viable.
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