Chained Soldier episode 12 was officially released on Thursday, March 21, 2024, bringing with it the exciting conclusion to a remarkable first season for the Winter 2024 anime series.
However, before this end, fans saw the battle against the Humanoid Shuuki conclude, as well as further elaboration on the apparent goals of the Eight Thunder Gods.
Likewise, Chained Soldier episode 12 introduced a new threat for the second season via this focus on the Eight Thunder Gods, revealing their own “god” in the process.
While no second season announcement was made following the finale for the first, it’s clear that the series is setting up the potential sequel’s story nonetheless.
Chained Soldier episode 12 introduces exciting possibilities for potential second season
Brief episode recap

Chained Soldier episode 12 opened up with a flashback to Kyouka Uzen’s past and origins.
While she had an enjoyable childhood and lived in a nice village, that all came to an end with the Unihorn’s attack and subsequent slaughtering of the villagers. Kyouka even watched one of her closest friends die in front of her as the episode returned to the present.
Kyouka tried attacking the Unihorn with her sword while Yuuki restrained it but was unsuccessful. The two continued this method of attack for quite some time, while Jouryuu suggested she and Shikoku depart. Jouryuu told Shikoku to leave without her, with the former taking Coco Zenibako and Naon Yuno with her for some reason.
Chained Soldier episode 12 then saw Yuuki focus power in his first before punching the Unihorn, causing him to seemingly break some of the Unihorn’s fingers when their punches met.
Yuuki seemingly broke the wrist of the Unihorn’s other hand, prompting it to transform once again into a much more primal and grotesque form.

The Unihorn charged at Yuuki in this new form, sending him and Kyouka flying backwards.
The two prepared to fight, but Yuuki noticed that they were dangerously close to their allies. Likewise, he channeled strength into his mouth to grip the Unihorn’s horn, bit down on it to break it and restrain the Shuuki.
Chained Soldier episode 12 then saw Kyouka rush at the Unihorn, successfully cutting off its horn and one of its arms. That caused it to transform back into its previous, but not original, state.
Yuuki restrained the Unihorn with his chain, allowing Kyouka to finish it off with a move called Howling Cherry Blossom while she thought of her dead friends and how hard she trained for that.
Her move killed the Unihorn, splitting him into several pieces and revealing some sort of orange core within. Shikoku departed using a power similar to Tenka Izumo’s after the Unihorn was killed.
After telling Yuuki to gather the others, Kyouka relished in her victory briefly and dedicated it to her hometown.

Chained Soldier episode 12 then saw Shikoku traveling through an alternate space, commending Kyouka’s skills while saying Yuuki seems like fun. Izumo then transported the others back to safety before returning, leaving Kyouka, Izumo, Aoba Wakura, and Yuuki alone.
They asked Aoba what she’d do now, to which she says her forces are depleted and her allies are gone, but she has to save Coco and Yuno.
Kyouka offers their help one last time, with Izumo concurring and swearing her safety. However, Aoba rejected this, saying she trusts the two of them but doesn’t trust the Demon Defense Force as a whole.
Aoba reveals that there are other villages with additional allies, with Izumo and Kyouka agreeing that it's the right choice if she doesn’t trust the Demon Defense Force.
Chained Soldier episode 12 then saw Izumo and Kyouka discuss how ruthless Supreme Commander Yamashiro is. Yuuki questions his sister’s safety in this case, but Kyouka seems to have an idea as focus returns to Nei Ookawamura.
She’s shown to be incredibly happy as Yuuki, Izumo and Kyouka return, with Yuuki apologizing for making her worry. Nei then reveals Himari and Shushu are fine, with Izumo returning to her own dorm after.

Yuuki stood by in his slave form while Kyouka bathed, with Nei realizing something was bothering him. The two shared a touching moment, with Nei grabbing Yuuki some food after his stomach growled.
Kyouka returned sometime after, deactivating her ability and telling Yuuki to shower before his reward begins, come to her room after for his reward of sleeping in her bed with her that night.
Chained Soldier episode 12 focused on the Eight Thunder Gods, with Shikoku revealing they brought Coco and Yuno back as food for their “god.” This “god” was revealed to be a giant egg-like creature with legs and tentacles, with Shikoku claiming a “new friend” would be born as the “god” seemingly ate Coco and Yuno.
The 6th and 7th Squads reunited for a celebratory meal which Yuuki cooked as a thank you. It was then revealed in a flashback that Kyouka pledged to Aoba that she would become the Supreme Commander and change things so that Aoba and her friends would be safe.
Aoba hugged Yuuki goodbye as the cave collapsed, with the two sharing some touching additional words.
Chained Soldier episode 12 saw present Yuuki declare he has to fight now not to become a hero but to cure his sister.
Tenka Izumo visited Yuuki the next morning, saying she wanted her “generous reward” now. However, Kyouka barged in his room at that moment, resulting in Izumo leaving as quickly as she came.
Yuuki trained with Himari, who said she wanted to hone her ability and needed his help to do so. Shushu was then shown watching nearby, trying to wage a war of romance for Yuuki’s feelings.
Nei then shared that a gateway had just opened up nearby, with the episode ending as 7th Squad battled the Shuuki that had just appeared while Aoba watched from nearby.
In review
Despite being somewhat underwhelming, Chained Soldier episode 12 is nevertheless a respectable effort as a finale to the exciting and highly anticipated first season for the series.
Likewise, while the ending is relatively underwhelming, it chooses to make up for it by setting up future events and plotlines for what will hopefully be its second season.
The season one finale also does a good job of establishing that the series’ core group of characters, and likewise Yuuki’s usual allies, will be the members of the 6th and 7th Squads.
With most anime typically ending their first seasons with some sort of similar emphasis, it’s somewhat difficult to fault the series for spending time on driving home this plotline specifically.
In summation
Overall, Chained Soldier episode 12 serves as a heartwarming send off for the first season, choosing to focus on a happy reunion rather than edge-of-your-seat action in its final moments.
With the setup done for the second season in the episode alongside this choice, it's an acceptable end to one of the most highly anticipated series of Winter 2024.
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