Thursday, January 25, 2024 saw Chained Soldier episode 4 released on HIDIVE, bringing with it the continued interactions between the 7th and 6th Squads of the Demon Defense Force. Likewise, fans also learned of Himari and Yachiho Azuma’s backstories, revealing them to be a part of a family which is famous in the Demon Defense Force.
Chained Soldier episode 4 also sets up an exhibition match between Himari and Yachiho, which will see the pair work through their familial issues in a violent and brawling way. In the process, fans learn about the true nature of Himari’s ability, which likewise results in Yuuki Wakura getting wrapped up in this sisterly spat.
Chained Soldier episode 4 sees Himari and Yuuki begin to bond as they train for their exhibition match
Brief episode recap
Chained Soldier episode 4 began with Tenka Izumo having her meeting with Kyouka Uzen, regarding the appearance of the humanoid Shuuki. It’s revealed that their appearance is causing the Demon Defense Force to act more cohesively. Yachiho Azuma then chimes in, taking a shot at Himari here for not holding her own against the new form of Shuuki.
Yachiho continued to prob at Himari, prompting Kyouka to suggest an intramural match between the two squads to gauge the capabilities of each. Nei Ookawamura then explained that they’re discussing something like a skills competition between the two squads. Izumo and Yachiho then left to get the rest of their squad and return, prompting Himari to ask Kyouka for help training.
Chained Soldier episode 4 then saw Himari claim that Yuuki Wakura was also her slave, as the scene transitioned into the squad eating Yuuki’s cooking. Himari then explained that he’s her slave for the sake of the exhibition match, due to the fact that her real ability is to learn from others abilities and use them for herself. By selecting an ability on her phone, she can then use it, including Kyouka’s.

Despite seemingly being unaware of the reward aspect of Kyouka’s ability, Himari asked Yuuki to transform. This also led to him taking a different form than he does under Kyouka’s ability, allowing him to be faster but not as strong. Himari called this the key to fighting her sister, with Yuuki asking why he’s insisting on using Kyouka’s ability.
As she answered, Chained Soldier episode 4 saw the reward aspect of Kyouka’s ability kick in, causing Himari to become confused and embarrassed. After working out what his reward was this time, the two discussed using an alternate ability on the drive back. Himari explained that her ability typically degrades what it copies to the point where it’s unusable, which is seemingly not the case with Kyouka’s ability.
Himari then explained her past, being born into the Azuma family and expected to be as successful as her older sisters. However, she always seemed to slip up at the last moment, resulting in her constantly being teased at home. Likewise, this exhibition match was the first chance she’s getting to prove herself after cutting ties with them, which is why she needed Yuuki’s help.

Chained Solder episode 4 sees Yuuki connect to this desire of Himari’s, as the latter says they’re still lacking a finish move attack. Yuuki agreed, asking what Yachiho’s ability is. Himari claims it’s the ability to fully control time, including pausing it and rewinding it, called Golden Hour. Meanwhile, Yachiho was shown ranting about her distaste for Himari while in the shower, excited to humiliate her sister.
Himari and Yuuki, meanwhile, began developing a plan which hinged on forcing Yachiho to tire herself out by using her ability multiple times. They decided to defeat her by basing their finishing move on speed, allowing them to defeat her before she can freeze time. While it wasn’t an immediate success, Himari encouraged him and said they’ll keep practicing.
Chained Soldier episode 4 then saw Kyouka join them on their next training session, applauding their hard work and clever ideas. Kyouka suggested Himari ride Yuuki given the true nature of her ability, which resulted in Yuuki’s strength increasing significantly. However, he was also much more worn out than usual by the time they were done.

The day of the match then came, with Izumo and Yachiho returning with one more of their teammates. Syusyu Suruga asked Himari about the pair’s future after the exhibition match, with Hiimari saying they’ll likely stop partnering up. Sahara Wakasa, the third girl who came with Yachiho and Izumo, then joined the pair in the hot springs to destress before the match.
Chained Soldier episode 4 then saw Yachiho and Himari speak before the match, with scenes of their childhood interspersed in the conversation. Yuuki then arrived, telling Himari not to worry since they’ll definitely win. This inspired confidence in her, causing her to claim the same. The two then arrived at the scene of the match, with the arena being set up by Ginna Bizen’s barrier ability. It also ensured that all damage sustained will be healed after the match.
The exhibition match then began, with Himari and Yachiho up first. After some brief conversation, Yuuki transformed and the pair prepared to fight. The two immediately got the upper hand on Yachiho with Yuuki’s speed, prompting her to rewind time by five seconds. The episode ended with Yachiho teasing that she discovered a new facet of her ability which she dubbed “Prime Time.”
In review
Overall, Chained Soldier episode 4 is an exciting and worthwhile addition to the series thus far, offering some exciting insight into the series’ Mato Peach ability power system. While this episode is just as heavy on fanservice as any other entry so far, if not more so, it’s clear that a concerted effort to be more than just a harem series is ongoing.
It’s also clear that the series is intent on building up and developing all of its characters fairly equally, even those whom a lack of focus on would likely be forgiven. Again, it’s encouraging to see that Chained Soldier is going out of its way to differentiate itself from typical harem anime, even if the core concepts are still present.
In summation
Chained Soldier episode 4 does a great job of introducing fans to Himari’s backstory and the Azuma family origins in general. The bonding between Yuuki and Himari is also welcome, especially considering how much animosity was present in their relationship in prior episodes. With a victory seemingly on the horizon for them, the coming installment will likely be the last which focuses on establishing the intersquad relationships in 7th Squad.
Be sure to keep up with all Chained Soldier anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2024 progresses.