Chained Soldier episode 6 was released on Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024, bringing with it the exciting continuation of the intrasquad matchup between the Demon Defense Forces 6th and 7th Squads. More specifically, the episode focused on the second-round match between Shushu Suruga and Sahara Wakasa.
However, Chained Soldier episode 6 quickly saw the situation devolve with the arrival of three Humanoid Shuuki and an army of regular Shuuki alongside them. With the 6th and 7th Squads likewise forced to work together to repel the attack, the episode's focus shifts from the exhibition match to repelling this enemy force.
Chained Soldier episode 6 sets up Tenka Izumo to shine in the subsequent release
Brief episode recap

Chained Soldier episode 6 began with Shushu Suruga and Sahara Wakasa’s match in the intrasquad tournament matchup between the 7th and 6th Squads. Izumo forced Yachiho to be the cheerleader for the match since she lost her fight. Shushu then suggested they hold off on using their abilities till later to Sahara, since they both like to fight in close quarters.
The two likewise started with some holds and throws, until Sahara got tired and said it was time to use their abilities. Shushu used her Paradigm Shift, while Sahara used her Mad Sheep with a count of three.
Despite Shushu’s massive size, Sahara was able to knock her down thanks to her ability boosting her strength for the amount of time she specified in advance. Likewise, the sooner the time, the stronger she is, but there’s a mandatory three-minute cooldown period.
Chained Soldier episode 6 then saw Sahara say that Shushu’s ability just made her a bigger target as she knocked her to the ground once more. Shushu still hadn’t lost faith, questioning why as she remembered a conversation in high school with her friends about boyfriends. Shushu said she wanted something more interesting in life, which is why she joined the Demon Defense Force.

Her friends warned her that she’d get it one of these days, prompting her to look at Yuuki and ask him to watch her. Sahara suggested Shushu shrink, but she instead got even larger and fell on top of Sahara. While the 7th Squad powerhouse was able to lift her and prevent her from being squashed, Shushu picked her up in her hand and smashed her into the ground as her ability cooldown seemingly began.
Chained Soldier episode 6 saw the referee begin to count Sahara out, but she stood up and activated her power as the count began. Yachiho Azuma explained that if she loses consciousness while her ability is active, her instincts take over and continue the fight on their own. It leads to her attacking enemies and allies alike, but since she can sleep anytime anywhere, it’s her secret weapon.
Sahara then knocked Shushu out with a single blow, winning the match by taking her down in exactly three minutes. Shushu then cried as she walked back to the 7th Squad dorm, worrying that she looked like an idiot in front of Yuuki. He chased after her and asked her if she wanted anything to drink while she got dressed, adding that he wants to help her since he’s the caretaker.

Chained Soldier episode 6 saw her ask him to erase the memories of that pitiful match, with Yuuki disputing that it was pitiful. This instantly cheered her up, prompting her to ask him to close his eyes for a second. She then went outside and kissed him, prompting him to ask why she did so. However, she lied about her feelings, instead deciding to save them until he has more feelings for her.
Nei Ookawamura then did reconnaissance of the area in Mato, discovering two Shuuki women who said that a battle was starting. This prompted a horde of Shuuki to begin rushing toward the battle arena. A third humanoid Shuuki named Rairen then appeared, cracking the barrier they were fighting in and beginning the Shuuki’s attack.
Chained Soldier episode 6 then saw Yuuki and Shushu rejoin the fight, as Himari tried to fight Rairen. Yachiho then saved her and began taking on Rairen by himself. Himari then began riding Yuuki with Kyouka Uzen, which resulted in Yuuki taking on his most powerful form yet called War Cloud.
Tenka Izumo then learned of the two additional Humanoid Shuuki from Nei Ookawamura, returning to the battlefield after. It was then explained that Kyouka Uzen is unique in that she can defeat Shuuki with normal weapons due to training atop a sacred mountain and that this unique ability is a key reason why she became 7th Squad’s commander.
Chained Soldier episode 7 then saw Yachiho lose an arm, but thankfully get it back thanks to her Golden Hour ability. However, this latest use had all but fully tired her out, whereas Rairen claimed they were finally warmed up. Izumo then asked to swap with Yachiho, telling her to go take it easy for a while.
It was then revealed that all of Rairen’s Shuuki had been defeated, meaning they were the only enemy left for Izumo to deal with. The episode ended with Izumo claiming she’d start by getting rid of Rairen, who responded that they finally get to have some fun in the final scene.
In review
Chained Soldier episode 6 serves as a great subversion of expectations, with many anime-only fans being under the impression that the exhibition match would finish as planned. Likewise, the swerve that sets up Tenka Izumo’s debut on the battlefield in the coming release is incredibly well done.
The episode also does a great job of further establishing what Yuuki can do for 7th Squad by having both Himari and Kyouka control him as their slave at the same time. Likewise, this powerful new form puts him on a level equal to that of the Humanoid Shuuki with perfect timing.
In summation
Overall, Chained Soldier episode 6 is likely the most exciting and eventful in the series yet. Fans learned more about several key powers throughout the episode, as well as being shown that the Humanoid Shuuki isn’t scared to launch a direct attack on the Demon Defense Force.
Be sure to keep up with all Chained Soldier anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2024 progresses.