Chained Soldier episode 9 was officially released on Thursday, February 29, 2024, bringing with it the exciting continuation of the highly anticipated Winter 2024 anime series. Likewise, as fans continue progressing towards the conclusion of the first season, hopes were high for stakes being raised in the ninth installment.
Excitingly, Chained Soldier episode 9 does exactly this, seeing Yuuki Wakura be kidnapped by his sister Aoba and her fellow Humanoid Shuuki for a yet-disclosed purpose. It also seems that fans will be receiving significant lore information on Mato, Mato Peaches, and how the Humanoid Shuuki came to be as Kyouka Uzen and co roll out to rescue Yuuki.
Chained Soldier episode 9 sets up biggest lore dump series has gotten yet
Brief episode recap
Chained Soldier episode 9 begins in the midst of Yuuki Wakara and Kyouka Uzen’s extermination of an army of Shuuki. Returning to the 7th Squad dormitory, they find Tenka Izumo waiting for them in addition to other 7th Squad members Nei Ookawamaura, Himari Azuma, and Shushu Suruga.
The group then begins discussing Yuki’s sister Aoba Wakura, whom he lost several years ago in a Mato Mishap. This starts a flashback which saw Aoba protect Yuuki from being bullied by a high school student when they were young, emphasizing her strength and love for her brother. It’s also revealed that Yuuki learned how to hold his own from playing with Aoba and learning various holds and throws.
Chained Soldier episode 9 then returns to the present, where the others comment on how good of a sister Aoba seems to have been. Kyouka then gives Yuuki the rest of the day off before telling Izumo to go back to the 6th Squad’s dorm. Nei Ookawamura then detects someone in danger four kilometers south of the base, prompting Kyouka to send Himari and Shushu on a rescue.

The two successfully eliminate the small group of Shuuki chasing what appears to be a human girl. However, when Himari approaches the girl, she attacks and reveals her true identity as one of the Humanoid Shuuki. The Humanoid Shuuki then summons even more regular Shuuki, with the girl revealing her name as Coco in the process.
Chained Soldier episode 9 sees Himari communicate the Supreme Commander’s intent to negotiate with the Humanoid Shuuki, but Coco refuses this opportunity. Meanwhile, Kyouka gets Yuuki and tells him he needs to transform immediately. Meanwhile, Coco has summoned an abnormally tough Shuuki named Kuma, prompting Himari to pull out a rocket-launcher-esque weapon to attack with.
Coco, however, dodges the blast and attempts to hit Himari, who in turn dodges her attack. Shushu, meanwhile, eliminates all of the regular Shuuki before being rushed at by a new kind of Shuuki wielding a weapon. Another Humanoid Shuuki then emerges from the new kind of regular Shuuki, grabbing its weapon and attacking Shushu with it.

Chained Soldier episode 9 then sees Aoba Wakura appear before Kyouka and Yuuki while eating a Mato Peach. As Kyouka and Yuuki dodge, Aoba commands him to stop, which he listens to without question. Aoba then captures him with her hair, saying her mission is complete as several regular Shuuki attack Kyouka. While Kyouka deals with these Shuuki, Aoba and Yuuki vanish without a trace, as does Coco and the other Humanoid Shuuki fighting Shushu.
After meeting up with Shushu and Himari, Kyouka decides they should return to base to heal their wounds and plot their next move. Yuuki, meanwhile, awakens to Coco licking his face. The unnamed Humanoid Shuuki is also present, and forces him to stay still when he tries to get up and remove Coco from his body.
Chained Soldier episode 9 then sees Yuuki finally recognize his sister as a Humanoid Shuuki. At that moment, Aoba walks in and hugs Yuuki, formally reuniting with him after all these years. The two then walk outside, with Aoba explaining to Yuuki that they’re in a “hidden village” which is outside of the Demon Defense Force’s typical range.

Aoba explains that roughly 20 former humans live here, prompting Coco and the other Humanoid Shuuki to officially introduce themselves as Coco Zenibaki and Naon Yuno. Aoba and co then explain that an accident turned them into half-monsters physically, but they still have their human souls nevertheless.
Chained Soldier episode 9 sees Aoba tell Yuuki they can happily live here, but he retorts that they don’t need to since she’s human, which seemingly insults Aoba and the others. The trio agree that the Demon Defense Force is their enemy, and that a battle is inevitable since they can never be allies.
Focus then shifts back to the 7th Squad dormitory, where Nei, Shushu, and Himari discuss their concern for Yuuki. It’s then revealed that Kyouka has been holed up in her room since they got back, as a result of the Supreme Commander’s order not to attack the Humanoid Shuuki. Himari then points out that they likely captured him for a specific purpose, meaning he’s likely safe for the time being.

Chained Soldier episode 7 then sees Kyouka staring out her window when she suddenly senses something in the distance. Focus then returns to Yuuki and co, where he asks Aoba how she knew he was in Mato. This seemingly breaks the tension, with Aoba returning to her friendly self and complimenting Yuuki’s looks and how he grew up.
Meanwhile, Kyouka reveals that she has found Yuuki as a result of her body moving automatically due to needing to give Yuuki his reward. Yuuki and Aoba are then shown speaking by themselves. Yuuki then inquires about her powers and the Mato Peaches, with Aoba revealing that the Peaches are what caused her and the others to take their hybrid forms. The episode ends with 7th and 6th Squad heading out to rescue Yuuki, save for Nei.
In review
Chained Soldier episode 9 makes a very strong argument for the most significant episode of the series’ first season thus far, if only for what it clearly is building to within. By having Kyouka and Izumo head out to rescue Yuuki, fans are seeing the pair begin to outwardly defy the orders of the yet-introduced Supreme Commander of the Demon Defense Force. More likely than not, fans will see the consequences of their actions here before the first season ends.
The installment also sets up the most significant lore dump fans have received on the Mato setting and its various mysteries thus far, which is yet another exciting and significant detail. Likewise, by having this information revealed to viewers via Yuuki and Aoba’s conversation, it serves to further deepen the relationship they have and their likely eventual opposition in the coming battle.
In summation
Overall, Chained Soldier episode 9 does a fantastic job of setting up the final episodes of the season to be an exciting and memorable sequence. The coming fight between the 6th and 7th Squads and the Humanoid Shuuki is a major factor in this, but Kyouka and Izumo’s aforementioned disobeyment of orders by doing so is yet another intriguing factor here.
Related links
Chained Soldier episode 10 official release date and time
Chained Soldier episode 8 highlights
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