Early on Monday morning, the Chainsaw Man anime adaptation team released the third trailer for the series thus far, primarily featuring the heroes of Tokyo Special Division 4. Fans have been ecstatic over the latest trailer and the quality of animation the adaptation seems set to boast.
However, other information regarding the Chainsaw Man anime’s first cour has also piqued the interest of fans. Alongside the trailer’s debut, it was revealed that the series’ first cour will feature 12 different ending themes, likely one for each episode.
Also announced to the joy of fans everywhere was the opening theme for the series, which will be the same for each and every episode of the first cour.
Follow along as this article fully breaks down Chainsaw Man’s singular opening and multiple ending themes.
Chainsaw Man anime breaks away from tradition by having unique ending themes for each episode
Chainsaw Man’s opening and ending themes
While there was other news announced alongside the latest Chainsaw Man trailer’s release on Monday, the primary focus for fans thus far has been the series’ opening and ending themes.
Many are praising the unconventional approach the adaptation team is taking when it comes to their ending themes, with 12 different songs listed from the series’ official website.
The opening theme is set to be Kenshi Yonezu’s “KICK BACK.” Anime fans may know Yonezu from his work for the popular series My Hero Academia and the Sangatsu no Lion series. For the former, Yonezu wrote the second season’s first opening, and for the latter, he's responsible for the series’ third ending theme.
While the opening theme is singular, it seems as if the first cour's ending themes will vary for each episode based on how many have been announced. In chronological order per the series’ official website, the ending themes are as follows:
- “All Kinds of Kisses” by Ano
- “Fight Song” by Eve
- “Deep Down” by Aimer
- “Rendezvous” by Kanaria
- “In the Backroom” by Syudou
- “Violence” by Queen Bee
- “Time Left” by Zutomayo
- “First Death” by TK from Ling Tosite Sigure
- “tablet” by TOOBOE
- “CHAINSAW BLOOD” by Vaundy
- “200-million-centimeters-long Blade” by Maximum The HORMONE
Anime fans will likely recognize some of these artist names as seen above. For example, Ano is otherwise best known in the anime world as performing the ending theme for Tiger & Bunny Season 2.
Eve, meanwhile, is best known for their song “Kaikai Kitan,” which was used as the first opening theme for the Jujutsu Kaisen anime series.
Aimer is best known as singing the opening theme song for Demon Slayer’s Entertainment District arc. Kanaria, meanwhile, is best known outside of the anime industry for their single “KING,” which has garnered a lot of attention and success from other artists covering the song.
Best known for their work on Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy- is syudou, who sang the series’ opening theme “Gamble.”
Queen Bee would be known for their work on Tokyo Ghoul:re and Dororo (2019), where they performed the ending and opening themes, respectively. Zutomayo’s only other musical credit in the anime industry is performing the theme song for the Drifting Home movie.
TK from Ling Tosite Sigure, meanwhile, is undoubtedly best known for performing the Tokyo Ghoul anime’s first opening theme, “unravel.”
TOOBOE’s only currently known credit for the anime industry is their aforementioned world for Chainsaw Man. Vaundy, meanwhile, is best known for writing and performing the second opening for Ranking of Kings.
PEOPLE 1 seems to be debuting in the anime industry with their Chainsaw Man work, while Maximum The HORMONE is likely best known for performing the second opening for the Death Note anime.
Be sure to keep up with all Chainsaw Man anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2022 progresses.