Chainsaw Man chapter 140 was released on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, bringing with it the continuation of the return of the Weapon Hybrids and Denji joining the Chainsaw Man Church. While fans were eager to reunite with Reze and Quanxi after learning of the Hybrids’ allegiances to the Church, the issue has circumvented fans’ expectations in that regard.
There are other aspects of Chainsaw Man chapter 140 that don’t quite go the way fans were envisioning, casting doubt as to the true nature of the Chainsaw Man Church in the process. While it remains to be seen exactly what the allegiances of both the organization itself and its members are, it seems that the group has made a thinly veiled threat to Denji.
Chainsaw Man chapter 140 seemingly sees the Church threaten Denji’s normal life in a sinister way
Chainsaw Man Chapter 140: Official introductions

Chainsaw Man chapter 140 opens up with Denji and Sword Man, also known as Miri Sugo, standing outside of a tall building. At the top, the likeness of Chainsaw Man’s head is attached to the building. Sugo then explains that this building originally belonged to a cult, but the Church then absorbed them and took everything, saying that they “vanquished evil” by doing so.
Denji uninterestedly asks where the “all-you-can-sleep-with girls” are, to which Sugo says to take it easy since he needs to be given a tour first. This leads to the reappearance of Nobana Higashiyama, last seen in the Denji Dating arc, who is seemingly confirmed to be Kobeni’s brother here, as fans had initially theorized upon his debut.
Chainsaw Man chapter 140 then sees Nobana take Denji inside, where the latter realizes that essentially everyone there is a high school student. Nobana claims that this is because the Church is run by students rather than adults. He attributes this to the fact that adults’ mental faculties have diminished because of “an American ultraviolet ray weapon in Japan’s air.”
Miri Sugo then says that America’s the worst, while Denji questions if they’re being serious. Nobana responds that Chainsaw Man’s Devil Powers and the “supervision” he gets allowed him to see it, and that it’s totally real. Denji then asks what the room they’re passing through is, which Nobana claims is the Chainsaw Man Wedding Chapel. The room is a normal chapel, but with a statue of Chainsaw Man instead of Jesus Christ and chainsaws at each pew’s edge.
Chainsaw Man chapter 140 then tells Denji that in the next room, he’ll sleep with a girl, then come back out into the chapel, marry her, and join the Church. Denji says he’s not going to marry her, causing Nobana to get nervous. However, he eventually says that in the Church, student marriages are encouraged.
He adds that the current system of marriage was brought over from America, asserting that Chainsaw Man saw it for its true purpose—a system for controlling the Japanese as slaves. Nobana then claims that marrying as students and then raising the resulting children in the Church is the “most natural marriage system.”
Chainsaw Man chapter 140 sees Sugo add yet again that America is the worst, prompting Denji to exclaim that he doesn’t want to get married. Sugo questions why not, but Denji ignores him, instead saying that he never found the American ultraviolet weapon either. This shocks Sugo, who then tries to defend the Church by saying that they lie and embellish, but they’ve also saved many lives.
Denji questions if this excuses their making stuff up and forcing high schoolers to get married, to which Sugo says Denji is also a high schooler who came here without a second thought. Denji counters that he thought it through logically, but Sugo responds that he’s also being logical, asserting that if a hundred people are saved at the cost of one, then it’s worth it.
Nobana tries to calm the two down, saying that their next stop is a fun one in the form of the Chainsaw Man bathroom. However, Chainsaw Man chapter 140 then sees someone tell Nobana to go back to his usual duties, clearly an authority figure, as Nobana calls him “sir.” Sugo then says he brought Denji like he was told to, asking the authority figure to talk some sense into him.
Chainsaw Man chapter 140: Reunion with an old enemy

It’s then revealed that this person is the Flamethrower Hybrid, who introduces himself as Barem here. He extends a hand to Denji, but when the latter doesn’t reciprocate, he turns his open hand into a peace sign and sticks it up Denji’s nose. He laughs as he pulls it out, infuriating Denji to the point of threatening to start a fight.
Chainsaw Man chapter 140 sees Barem say that this is fine since Chainsaw Man himself might come to save him in that case. Barem then questions why Chainsaw Man has been inactive lately, calling it a mystery, and asks Denji what would bring the hero back. Denji asserts that he doesn’t care, prompting Barem to question if he’d come back for a “big bad Devil” tearing up Tokyo.
Denji counters that Tokyo will be fine without the series’ titular hero since it has Devil Hunters and Asa Mitaka. Barem asks Denji if he and Asa are friends, but Denji doesn’t answer. Barem then comments on how she’s been on TV lately, calling “a cute, dumb girl” like her “a good catch.” Denji says nothing, prompting Barem to stare at Denji with a sinister expression.
Chainsaw Man chapter 140 then sees him ask if killing Asa Mitaka will bring back Chainsaw Man, clearly threatening her life with this and smiling after saying it. Barem then tells Denji to imagine weighing two sets of things on a pair of scales. On one side lie Denji’s friends, family, his pet cat and dogs, and his peaceful, wonderful every-day life.
Barem then asserts that on the other side lies just the starter that transforms him into Chainsaw Man, asking which side is heavier. Denji is seemingly shocked into a stupor by this question before coming back to life and saying he’s leaving this crazy place. Sugo seems upset by Denji’s departure, while Barem waves goodbye and tells Denji to enjoy his normal life while he can.
Chainsaw Man chapter 140: In summation
Overall, Chainsaw Man chapter 140 is a very eerie and engaging chapter that seemingly sets up the series’ near future in a very clear way. Denji must now essentially choose between following Hirofumi Yoshida’s orders and having his everyday life disturbed, or following Barem and the Church’s “orders” and having his everyday life disturbed.
It’s an interesting scenario that may force Denji into the hands of Public Safety yet again, due to the fact that he at least has a relationship with Yoshida and the organization. However, which side Denji chooses in the end will likely depend on Asa’s fate and status, with Denji likely to be convinced to follow the Church’s orders in exchange for both her and Nayuta’s safety.
Be sure to keep up with all Chainsaw Man anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news, as 2023 progresses.