Following the previous installment of author and illustrator Tatsuki Fujimoto's flagship series, fans are excited for the upcoming release of Chainsaw Man chapter 142. While slightly delayed due to the series taking a one-week break, the anticipation surrounding Denji and the Chainsaw Man Church's next moves has never been higher.
Likewise, fans are already excitedly speculating and debating over what's most likely to transpire in the series' immediate future. With the Chainsaw Man Church seemingly prepared to kill civilians and Public Safety Devil Hunters in Chainsaw Man chapter 142 and beyond, fans are unsure if their prediction about Denji's arrival will come true.
Although Denji has been showing signs of preparing to break free from his dreaded "normal" life, it's unclear if saving the lives of others will be sufficient motivation for him. That being said, there is one way Chainsaw Man chapter 142's events could unfold which would all but guarantee Denji springing into action against the Church.
Chainsaw Man chapter 142 likely to see Asa Mitaka get caught in the crossfire between Denji and Weapon Hybrids
Heading into Chainsaw Man chapter 142, the Chainsaw Man Church's plan seems to be to force Denji to fight against them in order to save civilians and Public Safety Devil Hunters. However, the Weapon Hybrids and the Church are likely overestimating Denji's willingness to help random civilians and strangers, making it unlikely that he will spring into action.
However, someone who will likely recognize the danger in the timing of the situation is Asa Mitaka, the apparent poster child of the Chainsaw Man Church's Devil Hunters. Upon realizing that the Church's Devil Hunters are off due to it being the Church's day of worship, she will almost certainly spring into action, motivated by her desire to save Chainsaw Man.
At this point, Chainsaw Man chapter 142 will likely have set the stage for Denji's entrance either at the chapter's end or in the subsequent release. While Denji will likely be unmotivated to save civilians he doesn't know, Asa's life should be more than enough to goad him into becoming Chainsaw Man once again.
Assuming Denji shows up at the end of the chapter, Asa's appearance will likely be fairly early on in the issue's events. Fujimoto could possibly set up their appearances by starting the chapter with the Hybrids' attack underway, with Denji watching on TV briefly before Asa appears at the scene.
Chainsaw Man chapter 142 will likely cut to the actual attack as Denji is seemingly shocked by something on TV, with fans only learning of Asa's presence after cutting to the attack itself. From here, Asa will likely confront the Devils and state her alliance with the Church, possibly beginning a dialogue sequence where the Hybrids tease their true identities to her. Denji would appear shortly thereafter to end the issue.
If Denji doesn't show up until later releases, fans will likely see Asa enjoy additional screen time prior to heading to the scene of the attack.
Be sure to keep up with all Chainsaw Man anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.