The recent developments of Chainsaw Man chapter 185 are another intriguing addition to a story that has caught wind. A masterstroke by Denji allowed Pochita to revitalize himself, and now he is headed straight for Public Safety and the Aging Devil. But Chainsaw Man chapter 185 seemingly debunked a popular Aging Devil theory that has been around for a while now.
This theory links the Aging Devil's contract with Public Safety to the coming of the Death Devil. The contract states that the Aging Devil allows itself to be consumed by Chainsaw Man in exchange for the lives of 10,000 children with Japanese citizenship. Initially, this seemed puzzling since the Aging Devil stood to gain nothing, and later, this contract was speculated to usher in the Death Devil.
However, Aging Devil's words in Chainsaw Man chapter 185 refer to the theory seemingly being done away with.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative in nature.
Chainsaw Man chapter 185 does away with major Aging Devil theory
As per the theory, the Aging Devil demands the sacrifice of 10,000 children with Japanese citizenship for it to be consumed by Chainsaw Man. This would allow a pathway for the Death Devil to manifest on Earth. Previously, the Falling Devil Arc informed that Primal Devils require either human sacrifice to be summoned or an avatar to materialize.
In this case, the Death Devil, being what it is, would likely require an even greater offering. Hence, the Aging Devil picked 10,000 children. As such, the Aging Devil was working for Death, shaping the popular theory. However, Chainsaw Man chapter 185 seems to say otherwise. In it, Aging Devil speaks of the humans trapped in its world, contemplating an exit for about 1000-2000 years. However, after a point of time, they turned into trees.
Apparently, it was an innate human mechanism for those who reached the "culmination of thought" to turn into trees. It wanted humans to live longer and discover unseen concepts, i.e., "find those possibilities." These words likely refer to Makima's words, i.e., the four outcomes for humans. Three outcomes were wiped out, which made Death the natural conclusion.
So, the humans in Aging Devil's world either came close or reached these possibilities/conclusions. However, they became trees in the process. So, if the Chainsaw Man consumes it and erases the concept of Aging, humans would live to discover or rather rediscover the other three outcomes/possibilities. From Chainsaw Man chapter 185, one of them is likely becoming a tree since it is quite literally what happened.
Could the Aging Devil be telling the truth?

While further theories can be formulated on the events of Chainsaw Man chapter 185, one important concern must be addressed — is the Aging Devil lying? Given the current situation, it likely realized that attempting to influence Pochita was pointless, so its next target was Denji.
However, its attempts to do the same to Denji were also fruitless, as Denji wasn't the naive boy he once was. So, to get its contract fulfilled, it probably spun such falsehood, especially given the price of the 10,000 children's lives. There is evidence to support this — as per Chainsaw Man lore, Devils must abide by contracts or face grave consequences.
However, the consequences remain unspecified. This could be when creator Tatsuki Fujimoto reveals the punishment awaiting the Devil for a breach of contract. As mentioned, the Aging Devil could simply have resorted to lies, given the present scenario, to avoid facing the penalty.
Final thoughts

Chainsaw Man chapter 185 certainly brought interesting developments into the story again. The Aging Devil elaborating on the human "tree-fication" was an interesting take. Moreover, Denji executing his master plan was a testament to his growth.
With Pochita back, the scales have tipped in the protagonists' favor. Again, Aging's words in the chapter seem to debunk the Aging Devil-Death Devil theory. However, it must be taken with a pinch of salt, given the price of 10,000 children's lives.
The Aging Devil was only seen forging the contract with Public Safety, not explaining why (possibly in a monologue later). Hence, this is speculation at this point, and only Fujimoto holds the true answers.
Related links:
- Chainsaw Man chapter 185 highlights
- Makima's speech is finally elaborated on in Chainsaw Man chapter 185
- Denji lives up to Kishibe's expectations in Chainsaw Man chapter 185