Tuesday, December 19, 2023, saw the highly anticipated next installment in author and illustrator Tatsuki Fujimoto's Chainsaw Man manga series be released to an exceptional reception from fans. The eventful and insightful issue is being called the perfect end to the series' year overall, setting up an exciting return for the title in early January 2024.
One of the reasons why fans are so excited about the latest Chainsaw Man issue is that, to many, it marks the spiritual and true start of the series' second part in a few key ways. In fact, a specific scene in chapter 151 where Denji seemingly gleefully accepts the role he must now play has fans jumping to this conclusion in particular.
However, some fans are confused about exactly how this scene with Denji can mark the true start of Chainsaw Man's second part. Moreover, some individuals are curious about the implications this scene and the spiritual start will have on Denji and Nayuta's relationship. While answers for the latter are purely speculative as of this writing, the former can thankfully be given some concrete explanations.
Denji accepting what his true dream is sets off the spiritual, true start of Chainsaw Man's second part
How Denji's laugh signals Part 2's true start, explained
In Chainsaw Man chapter 151, fans saw an infuriated and mournful Denji seemingly reach his limit, transforming back into Chainsaw Man as he gleefully laughed about his situation. While some fans and Nayuta were confused by Denji's laugh, there's a fairly straightforward explanation for it given recent events.
Chapters 150 and 151 primarily focus on the death of Denji's "normal life," which is the dream he and Pochita first shared at the onset of the series. The introduction of Nayuta only further cemented this dream for Denji since it gave him a true family to surround himself with. Likewise, the entirety of the series' second part thus far has focused on Denji choosing his normal life over being the titular hero, and the consequences of that choice on his mental state.
In Chainsaw Man's latest chapter, fans saw Denji reach for his transformation starter in anger before looking at his burning house. Here, he sees an image of Pochita, happily smiling and waving at him. This prompts him to begin laughing hysterically as he transforms into the titular hero, with Denji laughing due to the fact that it took his normal life being destroyed to realize what his true dream is.
Likewise, recognizing his true dream of being able to live as the titular hero leads Denji to find happiness. It also marks the spiritual start of the second part since Denji, up to this point, had been struggling to identify his wants and needs. The second part of the series has spiritually started at this exact moment by clearly identifying what motivates Denji as a character.
Likewise, with nothing to look back on, Denji can fully embrace his role as the titular hero.
How Denji's laugh and true dream may strain his relationship with Nayuta
That being said, the true spiritual start of Chainsaw Man's second part seems set to bring with it some division amongst key central characters. As Denji laughs and begins transforming in chapter 151, Nayuta questions his behavior, seemingly doing so out of disgust and disbelief. This makes sense, as for Nayuta, her one dream of living a normal, "human" life as the Control Devil and being loved by a family is going up in flames before her eyes.
Denji, meanwhile, is celebrating the death of this normal life due to the freedom and bliss it offers him relative to pursuing his true dream. Nayuta likely recognizes this already, and if she doesn’t, should come to recognize this quite soon while watching Denji fully embrace the death of their shared normal life together.
While it's unclear whether Nayuta will directly oppose Denji at any point in the series' second part, it is evident that the two have different perspectives on this tragedy. At worst, they could become true enemies in Chainsaw Man's second part, with the best-case scenario likely seeing them begrudgingly working together to defeat the coming Death Devil.
Be sure to keep up with all Chainsaw Man anime, manga, and film news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.