Chainsaw Man episode 6 was released today, showcasing MAPPA's familiarity with the series, and intuition regarding its adaptation. Although attributable to Tatsuki Fujimoto's involvement in the anime's adaptation process, it's still commendable how well MAPPA can bring the series to life.
A supporting pillar of MAPPA's success in this regard is the exceptional voice acting during the entire season. Although an oft-repeated point, it's one that deserves to be reiterated, highlighting the terrific skills of the series' core voice actors.
Chainsaw Man Episode 6 continues the trend of MAPPA elevating a series' manga
From re-establishing Himeno, Aki, and their juniors' situation, Chainsaw Man episode 6 creates an unnerving and hair-raising tone. The overall mystery of the neverending 8th floor and its relatable, humanizing effects on those experiencing it makes for a can't-blink episode that will have viewers enthralled.
Several moments humanize these characters, such as Kobeni's various noises and breakdowns, Arai's initial enthusiasm dimming, and Aki's desire to find a way out. Despite the incredibly unrelatable situation they find themselves in, fans still relate with each of these characters. That's not even mentioning Denji's sleep-it-off demeanor, arguably one of the most popular reactions.
It's such a cavalcade of personality and characterization that fans almost forget the situation they find themselves in. MAPPA's adaptation of the Himeno/Aki flashback, as well as certain stylistic choices which differentiate from the manga within, further help to remove viewers from the reality of the neverending 8th floor.
However, truly, Chainsaw Man episode 6 brings this to a screeching halt by reintroducing the now-gigantic Eternity Devil, growing out of the Devil Power previously killed. The series' sound direction and staff particularly shine here, giving the Eternity Devil's voice the perfect filters and adjustments to give it the effect of an infinite number of voices calling out.
It's this voice of the Eternity Devil's which reminds them that the only way they can escape is by feeding it a dead-or-alive Denji, prompting Kobeni and Arai to react in startling ways. Their willingness to sacrifice another to save themselves can prove to be relatable to several fans. Again, the voice acting team does phenomenal work here and is the clear highlight.
Although voice acting and general sound direction truly steal the show in Chainsaw Man episode 6, that's not meant to slight the animation team. Their best work comes shortly after this revelation from the Eternity Devil, showing the hotel tilting and the Devil making its final lunge for Denji. Like always, MAPPA's animation staff masterfully blend 3D backgrounds with 2D characters, once more proving their top-dog spot in terms of CGI animation.
While the episode is jam-packed, it's one that goes by incredibly quickly and will leave viewers wondering if the episode is truly over. The end sequence is a masterclass, especially with MAPPA’s expert pacing. Without a doubt, ChainMAPPA's episode 6 is the biggest pacing-wise victory for MAPPA’s crown jewel of a series.
Be sure MAPPA's up with all Chainsaw Man anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2022 progresses.