Chainsaw Man Episode 6 introduces the Eternity Devil amid Aki and Himeno flashback, Kobeni steals the show

Chainsaw Man Episode 6 introduces the Eternity Devil amid Aki and Himeno flashback, Kobeni steals the show (Image via MAPPA Studios)4
Chainsaw Man Episode 6 introduces the Eternity Devil amid Aki and Himeno flashback, Kobeni steals the show (Image via MAPPA Studios)4

Chainsaw Man Episode 6 was released on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, bringing with it the exciting continuation of the recently-started Eternity Devil arc. The episode covers the majority of the major events in the arc, with a few left for Episode 7.


Chainsaw Man Episode 6 also fully introduces and characterizes Kobeni Higashiyama and Hirokazu Arai via the slow degradation of their sanity throughout the episode’s events. By showing these characters at their lowest, fans are now wholly acquainted with who will serve as the main cast in the first cour’s final episodes.

Follow along as this article fully breaks down Chainsaw Man Episode 6.

Chainsaw Man Episode 6 highlights the craziness of the series' while revealing to fans the hilarious, real sides of the main characters

Chainsaw Man Episode 6: A dire situation


Chainsaw Man Episode 6 picks up from its previous episode, showing Hirokazu Arai testing out the stairs and Himeno doing the same with Kobeni Higashiyama’s help after. Himeno asks Aki what’s going on, who says it has to be a Devil’s power at work as he goes into a room. After turning on the light, he realizes the windows just lead into other rooms. Upon going through this 2nd room, he comes out from the door across the one he went into.


Denji walks out of another room immediately after and reaffirms this, prompting Aki to suggest they’re trapped on the eighth floor as Chainsaw Man Episode 6 plays its opening theme. Upon returning, the group is in one of the hotel rooms, discussing what they’ve learned so far from scouting the 8th floor and trying various means of escape.

They assume that this is indeed a Devil’s doing, and always end back up on the 8th floor no matter what they do. The elevator is inoperable for some reason, the windows lead to other rooms, and going up through the ceiling results in appearing through the floor. Denji suggests that the Devil Power killed could’ve used its powers and not deactivated them, but Aki explains that a Devil’s powers deactivate as soon as they die.


Aki points out that the Gun Devil’s flesh has gone dead still, with Himeno commenting on how Devil earlier was bait, and they fell for it. She also says she’s never seen a Devil “try something so clever before,” while Arai points out other Devil Hunters will show up after they’re not heard from for a while. Himeno says that they better hope whoever comes next doesn't get stuck in the same kind of trap.


Kobeni, meanwhile, is freaking out about how they’ll all die here and starve to death, prompting Arai to try and lift her spirits. It’s revealed here that Kobeni is a Devil Hunter to help put her older brother through college. However, her parents forced her to do it, making her either become a Devil Hunter or a s*x worker to pay for her gifted older brother’s college.


She begins sobbing here, saying she wanted to go to college too, and lamenting that she’ll now die here. This prompts Power to begin laughing uncontrollably, specifically pointing out the face Kobeni was making. Arai demands that Power stops, while Himeno reminds Kobeni that Devils love fear while holding her, saying she needs to stop giving them what they want if she’s scared.


Still sobbing, she says she’s just so scared, shoving her face into her hands as Himeno asks Aki what’s wrong. He points out that all the clocks in the room are still stuck at 8:18, adding that it’s the same in every room and that time may have been frozen on the eighth floor. He says that if this is the case, no one is coming for them.

This prompts Denji, who had been hiding under one of the bed’s covers, to happily point out that they all can sleep all they want. Arai berates him for this, but Denji brushes it off, asking to be woken up when they figure their situation out before drifting off to sleep and thanking the Devil for this nap.


Chainsaw Man Episode 6 then sees Denji woken up by Himeno an unknown amount of time later, asking her if they’ve found a way off the 8th floor yet. She says not yet, but they have discovered that the electricity and power still work, as well as some guests having left food behind which they can eat.


She says everyone’s worn out, saying Aki has been searching for the Devil non-stop and won’t take any breaks. Arai locked himself up to have a panic attack after helping Aki, and Kobeni had to be knocked out after freaking out and trying to drink toilet bowl water. Himeno begins mentioning Power, prompting to ask Denji what’s wrong, before Chainsaw Man Episode 6 takes viewers to Power’s room.


The Blood Fiend is seen in bed, cheerfully declaring her intent to win a Nobel Prize so all humans can bow to her and she can ascend to the Prime Minister’s throne. She adds that her first act will be passing a 100% sales tax, smiling all the time, as Denji says she’s always like this, which Himeno happily accepts.

Himeno then recruits the two of them to take turns watching Arai and Kobeni with her, where she lights up her last cigarette. Power says she’s bored by how unbothered Himeno is at the situation, who responds that Aki’s hard work lets her take it easy, as well as nicotine helping out. When Denji realizes that her brand of cigarettes is identical to Aki's, he encourages Himeno to reveal that she was responsible for his smoking habit.


Chainsaw Man Episode 6: Aki and Himeno’s origins, and a startling development


Chainsaw Man Episode 6 then shows a flashback to an unknown time, where a younger Aki and Himeno (now partners in Devil Hunting) are discussing his taking up smoking. The two go back and forth here, with Aki saying it’s bad for bones, Himeno responding that it’s great for socializing, and Aki saying he’s not looking to make friends.

She guesses, correctly, that he joined Public Safety to kill the Gun Devil, saying that everyone with a chip on their shoulder like him is the same. It’s reaffirmed that only Public Safety is allowed to hold pieces of the Gun Devil’s flesh, saying that Devil Hunters die young anyway so he might as well smoke.


Chainsaw Man Episode 6 sees Aki say he won’t die anytime soon, which Himeno says she’ll hold him to, calling it a pain in the ass when a partner dies. This transitions into a scene which sees Himeno getting slapped by a woman, who she reveals to Aki was her old partner’s girlfriend.


She explains that it happens often, with friends and family of dead Devil Hunters taking out their frustrations on the surviving partner since they can’t hurt the Devils. Himeno calls it something that comes with the territory, as Aki goes up to the woman who just slapped his partner. He says he put gum on her clothes, saying she shouldn’t just sit back and let herself be treated that way.


He stresses that she shouldn’t feel guilty, emphsizing that he was genuinely pissed off and wanted payback. Himeno begins laughing uncontrollably before Chainsaw Man Episode 6 sees the two eating at a restaurant. Himeno essentially says her master once told her that Devils fear the Hunters “who have a screw loose,” which is why she thinks he’ll survive in this job for a long time.

He asks if that’s an insult, trying to reach for her untouched almond tofu. However, she pulls it away, offering him to smoke just one cigarette. He reaffirms that it’s bad for your bones, but she says she wishes he would since she has the feeling they’ll be working together for a while. After a long pause, Aki takes the cigarette, saying it’s going to be the only one he’ll ever smoke.


The flashback ends here, with Chainsaw Man Episode 6 transitioning back into the present day where Aki enters, asking Himeno if she has any cigarettes left. She tells him it’s her last, prompting him to ask for it, which Denji calls an indirect kiss and not fair. Aki says he’s got bad news, saying that the Devil they killed has now gotten much bigger than it was before.

Chainsaw Man Episode 6: The Eternity Devil


Chainsaw Man Episode 6 then sees the Devil, now bloated and disfigured with several faces, mouths, and so on, is now the size of the entire hallway and then some. It offers the humans a contract, saying that if they kill Denji and feed him to the Devil, it will let them all leave in peace. The scene zooms in on Denji as the Devil demands they take its contract when a door opens.


Kobeni comes out, telling Denji that he heard what the Devil said before asking him to be eaten by it. She then steps out into the hall, where she screams before charging at Denji with a knife. However, Aki kicks the knife out of her hands, prompting Himeno to come in and knock her out once more. Aki tries using the Fox Devil to swallow the Devil before them, but it doesn’t work.


Himeno tries using her Ghost Devil to attack it, taking chunks out of the Devil’s flesh and causing it to cry out in pain. However, it also bloats here as a result, forcing Himeno and the others to begin retreating. The Devil explains that what they see isn’t its main body, explaining that they’re all inside its stomach and that it has no weakness on the 8th floor.


It reaffirms to them that the only way to safely escape is to take its contract offer, prompting Denji to say it won’t let them all go even if he does die. Himeno says this is incorrect, saying that the word “contract” means that if the Devil doesn’t hold up its end, it would die. She confirms that they would be able to leave by killing him, when Arai is heard saying they should.


He points out that they can come up with another plan once they’re out of here, and that they’ll starve to death otherwise. Pointing out that Devil Hunters with Public Safety are legally allowed to sign contracts with Devils, he says that they should take the deal. Aki counters that the Devil wanting Denji dead means Denji’s death would benefit it, meaning they’re not taking the deal.


Himeno agrees, as Power chimes in that they should kill him since she can’t get her Nobel Prize if she doesn’t make it out of there. Aki points out that Fiends can’t make contracts with the Devils anyway, meaning it wouldn’t be obligated to let her leave, and potentially others if she is the one who kills Denji.


However, Aki essentially says it's a moot point, saying they’re Devil Hunters and they only kill Devils. The scene then sees Himeno, Denji, and Aki all watching the Devil in the hallway, figuring out how to escape. Aki suggests he’ll use “the sword” if needed, but Himeno instantly shuts this down.

She explains to Denji that he shouldn’t use it no matter what, saying if it comes to that, Denji has to die. Meanwhile, Chainsaw Man Episode 6 sees Arai discovering all the food has been eaten, with Power nearby chewing and licking her lips. He asks her if she ate all the food, which she denies, saying Denji did it, which Arai calls an obvious lie.


Kobeni, meanwhile, begins accusing Power’s power of being what’s keeping them trapped here. Power responds that it isn’t true, with Arai also saying that Kobeni has to be wrong. The crazed Kobeni rushes Arai, calling him a spy and saying he’s on the Devil’s side, before letting out a scream, prompting Arai to also scream.


Chainsaw Man Episode 6 then sees the Devil growing even larger as it rushes Denji, Aki, and Himeno. The three run down the hallway, as the Devil begins chanting to give it Denji’s heart. It also says that, as they grow more scared, the Devil will grow larger and more powerful, and with their own terror, it will capture them.

It reveals its true name here to Chainsaw Man Episode 6’s audience, calling itself the Eternity Devil and saying it will be the one to “kill Chainsaw.” The Devil’s true form is shown to be essentially an anthropomorphized infinity sign, with several mouths and eyes along its pattern. Chainsaw Man Episode 6 then sees the floor of the hotel begin tilting, but Aki, Himeno, and Denji are able to successfully enter a room.


In the room across from them, Kobeni begs someone to kill Denji, with Arai saying they’re running out of time. Aki tries to use the sword, asking Himeno if she’s okay with it, but she uses her Ghost Devil to restrain Aki. She explains that using the sword will take years off of his life per his contract, apologizing to Denji as Arai tackles him to the ground.


Power begins laughing as Kobeni lunges to stab Denji, but Chainsaw Man Episode 6 sees Aki break free of the Ghost Devil and save Denji before being stabbed himself in the process. A massive amount of blood pours out of Aki, who essentially says that while Denji may deserve to be stabbed, Aki needs his help to kill the Gun Devil if he actually do it.

He ends by saying that even at the cost of his own lifespan, he won’t let Denji die. This prompts Denji to tell Power to use her Blood Fiend powers to stop him from bleeding out, as Himeno, envisioning their deaths, breaks down and asks Aki what they should do. This prompts Kobeni to freak out once more, saying it’s not her fault, but Denji’s for not being eaten yet.


A disgruntled Denji says that he’ll let himself get eaten, but he’s going to try the Devil in the process, saying he still expects Himeno’s kiss if he does kill it. He explains he’ll use his chainsaws, pointing out that the Eternity Devil must be scared of them since it asked everyone else to kill Denji for it.


He also points out how it cried out in pain when Himeno attacked it as seen earlier in Chainsaw Man Episode 6, meaning it can be hurt. Thus, his plan is to tear the Eternity Devil up until it can’t stand the pain anymore, forcing it to kill itself, which Power calls “a very devilish idea indeed.” Denji essentially thanks Aki for saving him, but says they’re even once they all get out of here.


Chainsaw Man Episode 6 then sees Denji pull his ripcord and jump into the Eternity Devil’s mouth. He’s seemingly swallowed by a near-infinite number of mouths before the Eternity Devil’s true form is once more seen. However, Chainsaw Man Episode 6 comes to an end here, leaving the actual battle versus the Eternity Devil for next week.

Chainsaw Man Episode 6: In summation


Chainsaw Man Episode 6 is an incredibly exciting episode, as well as the densest and most fast-paced seen from the series yet. While the episode may feel a little cramped or overwhelming for manga readers, anime-only viewers will likely praise how eventful this episode was, featuring flashbacks, backstory expositions, and more.

Furthermore, Chainsaw Man Episode 6 does a great job of making the characters feel real and true-to-life in the context of the episode’s out-of-this-world events and situations. Kobeni’s frantic, scared moments in the episode especially highlight this, providing a human link for viewers to insert themselves into the situation.


The origins of Aki and Himeno’s relationship also help to ground the episode by showing human connections, consequences, emotions, and desires even in a somewhat unrealistic setting and context. Nevertheless, these sequences combined with Kobeni’s emotional state throughout make Chainsaw Man Episode 6 one of the most humanizing, and attention-grabbing, episodes yet.

Follow along for more Chainsaw Man anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2022 progresses.

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Edited by Vinay Agrawal
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