Tatsuki Fujimoto's Chainsaw Man recently revealed a new villain in the manga. This antagonist is none other than the Falling Devil, who embodies the primal fear of heights and falling. While she has only been present in the manga for a few chapters, it seems like she is set to leave a lasting impact in the second part.
The previous chapter saw the Falling Devil gathering some ingredients for the next course of her meal. After gathering the eyes, ears, and an apple, she needed a head when the Devil Hunters tried to stop her. However, she overpowered them, after which Denji encountered the devil for stealing the apple.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Chainsaw Man manga.
Chainsaw Man chapter 125 reveals Falling Devil's invulnerability
Chainsaw Man chapter 125, titled Apple Thief, saw the Falling Devil walking through the town as she was gathering the ingredients for the next course of her meal. After acquiring ten eyes and four ears from humans, she went to a supermarket to pick up some fresh apples that would pair well with human flesh.
Here, the Falling Devil showed a different side to herself as she revealed how she did not mean any harm to anyone unless someone attacked them first. As promised, upon acquiring the apples, the Falling Devil spared the employee and left the supermarket.
Just as she stepped outside the supermarket, the Falling Devil remembered that she required a man's head for the recipe. She started looking for one when the Devil Hunters arrived and immediately began open fire at her, shooting her with several sniper rifles. This attack caused her entire body to get destroyed, but she did not die.
The Falling Devil started to regenerate as she stated how it was impossible to kill her with any means of attack humanity presently possesses. She even politely asked the Devil Hunters to give her a head, but she got attacked again instead. This time it annoyed her as she used her ability to demolish the entire area around her, causing widespread chaos. During this ruckus, the Falling Devil beheaded one of the devil hunters and took his head.
Moments later, when Denji arrived and ambushed her from behind, impaling and slicing her, there seemed to be no effect on the Falling Devil, as she instantly regenerated and retaliated against Denji, slicing him into pieces.
While her statement on how no present means can be used to kill her is obviously a hint. Considering that none of the characters present there knows anything about this, it seems like Denji is set to have an uphill battle against the devil.
There is even the possibility that the seemingly strong means of attack could be a devil, which is either residing in Hell or is already consumed by Chainsaw Man, such as in the case of Nuclear Weapons Devil. Thus, fans will have to wait and see how Denji deals with a devil that is seemingly immortal in the upcoming chapters of the manga.