The specifics of Makima's death in Chainsaw Man may not be especially clear to a reader. Over the course of the story, we see that Makima is not quite who she seems, surviving attacks that would kill any normal human being. It may even seem close to immortality.
Disclaimer: This article will contain spoilers for Chainsaw Man’s first part.
The first display of these powers is shown when Makima is shot in the head during the Katana Man arc and clearly dies. But moments later, she gets up, bloodied but unharmed, and strikes back at her attackers. This is just the first of many lethal attacks she walks away from unscathed.
Breaking down Makima's death in Chainsaw Man
Makima's death may seem like a rather simple matter, but the reality is a little more complex. Over the course of the story, it becomes apparent that Makima is not as humane as she may seem, nor as benevolent as she poses, and that many of her actions have ulterior motives.
This is primarily foreshadowed in her conversation with Kishibe at the conclusion of the Katana Man arc, where he implies she was aware that the attack was going to happen. Her own survival in this arc is quite suspect, as is her lack of injuries throughout the manga, even as the stakes grow higher.
This comes to a head with the revelation that Makima’s true identity is that of the Control Devil. She orchestrated events throughout the manga to take control of the Chainsaw Man and make a 'utopia' through its erasure powers.
Key to her consolidated power is the contract she has with the Prime Minister of Japan—any attacks or illnesses she sustains will be redirected to a random citizen of Japan. How could Makima ever be defeated with such a powerful contract? The answer is found in a loophole in said contract.
Makima's Final Battle

In the final battle against Makima, Denji fools her into fighting ‘the Chainsaw Man’ instead of him. Denji hides among her small army of devil hunters, with Makima presumably fighting Pochita, formed around Denji’s heart (identifiable by the armor plating and extra chainsaws).
Denji had figured out Makima cannot actually tell humans apart by sight but rather by smell. Because she couldn't see him as anything beyond Chainsaw Man, he managed to get a sneak attack on her.
Utilizing his last-minute contract with Power, Denji slices Makima with a chainsaw made of Power’s blood to keep Makima from regenerating. Even this, though, is revealed to be ineffective beyond incapacitating her. Kishibe later tells Denji that innocent civilians are dying as she attempts to regenerate and that he must finish the job before any more die.
Denji can’t bring himself to hate Makima completely and still has love for her despite everything she's done to him. So he does the one thing that could bring them closer together: he ingests her. This isn’t interpreted as an attack on her, as Denji did this as a genuine show of love. As a result, Makima did not regenerate and was effectively killed.
Ultimately, Makima's downfall was caused by her own overconfidence and inability to see Denji as anything besides the Chainsaw Man, her own exploitative plot backfiring due to his genuine love for her.
The Fate of the Control Devil
Makima does not return after this. The rules of Chainsaw Man’s devils, however, do see that the Control devil is reborn, now in the form of a young child named Nayuta. Denji begins taking care of her to ensure she doesn't end up like Makima. While Nayuta does have a slightly similar personality, it's unlikely she'll turn out like Makima under Denji's care, nigh-invulnerability included.
Ultimately, Makima's death was not through direct combat but rather some trickery and Denji's strange but genuine show of love. The same love drives him to ensure Nayuta never becomes like Makima.