On Sunday, December 22, 2024, an official teaser trailer for Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc was unveiled at the Super Stage Red at Jump Festa 2025. The movie is scheduled for premiere in 2025, and will be an anime adaptation of the Bomb Girl arc of Tatsuki Fujimoto's manga.
Two new key visuals for the upcoming movie were also revealed. An interview with the creator of the series, Tatsuki Fujimoto, then took place during the livestream. The first page of the upcoming Chainsaw Man manga chapter was also revealed. These announcements were conducted by voice actors Kikunosuke Toya (Denji), Shogo Sakata (Aki), Fairozu Ai (Power), and Maaya Uchida (Angel Devil).
Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc teaser trailer, 2 key visuals, and more revealed at Jump Festa 2025
Chainsaw Man Super Stage Red mainly revealed the official teaser trailer for Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc, with the movie being scheduled for a nationwide release in 2025. However, no specific release window for the new movie was mentioned during the live stream.
The stage was well conducted by voiced actors of the franchise, as aforementioned. They revealed two new contrasting visuals for the upcoming movie. One of these visuals showed Denji and Reze chatting at a cafe, with the other showing Denji in his Chainsaw Devil form.
A special interview was also conducted during the stage with mangaka and author of the series, Tatsuki Fujimoto, where he answered some fun questions. This was then followed by a story quiz involving various questions from Chainsaw Man.
The voice actors of the franchise conducting the stage were dressed like their characters in the series. They kicked off the stage by voice acting panels from the manga where Power and Denji are seen arguing while Aki is in the hospital. Then the panels shifted to Aki fighting alongside the Angel Devil. The voice actors then announced three new members for the new movie: Reze, Beam, and Angel Devil.
The first page of the next Chainsaw Man chapter, titled Octopus, War, Chainsaw, was also unveiled during the event. The panel shows a foot coming out of Denji's mouth. However, no other information was provided regarding the context of this scene or what the chapter might have in store for fans.
Lastly, a special message from Fujimoto for the fans was shared. The voice actors did an amazing job presenting the stage and enacting dialogues and catchphrases that their characters have. The only new information to come out during this stage were the two new key visuals and the official teaser trailer.
However, fans seem to be more than satisfied with what they got, as excitement for the new movie can be seen soaring all across X (formerly Twitter).