One Piece chapter 1116 is set to be released on June 3, 2024, but the spoilers for the chapter have already been released, and Gol D. Roger has entered the discussion of the Void Century in the message of Dr. Vegapunk.
The chapter was focused on Vegapunk urging the world that the Roger Pirates didn't do anything, although they were aware of every secret about the Void Century, including the great flooding. This could be related to how they are the only people who have discovered One Piece and know it, and Joyboy's message could be the one that had already informed them about everything.
But where Rayleigh showed his displeasure on Vegapunk revealing everything, fans showed their displeasure over the Roger Pirates, who didn't do anything even though they knew about the rising sea levels. After the spoilers dropped, fans took to the internet and trolled the Roger Pirates for their ignorance in every way possible.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers from the One Piece chapter 1116 and has the author's opinion.
One Piece: Fans react to the ignorance of Gol D. Roger and his crew even though they knew about everything
According to the spoilers of One Piece chapter 1116, the chapter showcased reactions from different parts of the Grand Line. The chapter also showcased Imu gazing upon the picture of Nefartari Lili, who started all this after distributing the Poneglyphs.
The spoilers also revealed that Vegapunk knew that a part of the Mother Flame was stolen from him, which surprised the culprit, Vegapunk York. He apologized to the world that his negligence led to such destruction, including eradicating the Lulusia Kingdom.

Lastly, the spotlight of the chapter was when Vegapunk revealed that the Roger Pirates unveiled all these mysteries, probably when they discovered One Piece, and didn't act whatsoever. On this remark, Rayleigh showed his displeasure, calling out to Gol D. Roger that Vegapunk was stealing the fun from the new generation of pirates.
Unfortunately, these remarks of Rayleigh weren't taken lightly by the world, which considered this act of the Roger Pirates ignorant. Some fans related Gol D. Roger and his crew to different memes but just mocked the Pirate King for his behavior.
Reactions from fans on the shallowness of the Roger Pirates

The majority of the fandom thought of Roger's reaction to the reveal of the Void Century as something sarcastic, as shown by their reactions on the internet. Moreover, fans also mocked Roger for being the first one to find One Piece, relating his reaction and reading JoyBoy's last words as something he found funny.
Moreover, one fan showed his disappointment with the old generation of pirates and said it is up to Luffy and the Worst Generation to save the Grand Line from the great flooding.
"Roger when he learned that Imu killed billions of people and sunk a bunch of continents with ancient weapons" - a fan said
"Joyboy: whoever is reading this please do whatever you can to stop the world government from committing genocide, Roger: (laughs)" - another fan said
"Nah man, those boomers were all fraud. It's up to the new gen now." -another one claimed
Moreover, a group of fans compared Gol D. Roger to his rival, Edward Newgate, more commonly known as Whitebeard. They compared Roger's negligence to Whitebeard's passion for his family (pirate crew), saying that Roger could have saved the lives of millions but didn't. In contrast, Whitebeard, who was extremely ill during his last stage, fought to death against the World Government.
Moreover, this also started a war with the Roger Pirates fans as they mocked the Pirate King for being quiet and not doing anything against the World Government, going as far as to call Gol D. Roger a fraud.
"Roger fans are the softest mfs out there " roger was sick, he couldnt do anything. Bitch wb looked like this with covid 19+ 3 heart atacks/minute and still fought the wg till death. Shanks and roger had no balls" a fan said
"This is why WB > Roger" another fan said
"Roger on fraud watch" another one claimed
Final thoughts

The reactions from the fandom are expected, considering how the fans, just like the people of the Grand Line, are learning about the great flooding for the first time.
Roger not doing anything about this could have been for the better, as he could have started the Great Pirate Era thinking about the great flooding or something. He is the Pirate King for a reason, and fans might understand his situation once Vegapunk gives more context.
Related Links
- One Piece Chapter 1116: Release Date and Time
- One Piece chapter 1116 spoilers
- One Piece chapter 1116's first spoiler confirms the upcoming release schedule
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