Chillin’ in Another World Episode 8 is set to release on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 JST at 12 am Japanese Standard Time according to the anime’s official website. Despite Flio’s rejection of Princess Elizabeth’s offer in the previous episode, fans are all but certain he’ll get dragged into the ongoing conflict one way or another.
Unfortunately, there is no verifiable spoiler information for Chillin' in Another World Episode 8 at the time of this article’s writing. This trend is likely to continue throughout the first season, and while fans can look to the manga for spoiler information, there’s no guarantee that every episode will match directly with the manga.
Thankfully, fans at least have verified official release information for the upcoming episode as of this article’s writing, if nothing else. Follow along as this article fully breaks down all currently available release information for Chillin' in Another World Episode 8, as well as speculates on what to expect from the episode.
Chillin' in Another World Episode 8 release date and time
Chillin' in Another World Episode 8 is set to release at 12 am JST on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. For the vast majority of international fans, this translates to a Monday morning local release window. A minority of international fans, like Japanese viewers, will instead see the episode become available early Tuesday morning. Exact time of release varies by region and timezone.
Chillin' in Another World Episode 8 is set to release at the following times in the corresponding time zones:
Where to watch Chillin' in Another World Episode 8
International audiences can stream the episode on Crunchyroll roughly 30 minutes after the episode airs in Japan according to the series’ official website. Unfortunately, Crunchyroll appears to be the only platform streaming the anime series as of this article's writing.
Chillin' in Another World Episode 7 recap
Chillin' in Another World Episode 7 began with the princess searching for Flio (AKA Banaza), while Hiya was shown to have settled in with him and the others. However, Balirossa and the others felt outshined, so they each did what they could to help out. Flio and Fenrys, meanwhile, went into town on a “date” to go sell equipment. While there, Damalynas attacked the town and began targeting the princess, with Flio and Fenrys moving to help fend her and the Hero off.
Hiya also arrived in town, explaining the situation to the pair, earning permission to fight from Flio while prioritiziing the lives of townsfolk. Flio and Fenrys went to help with evacuation. Hiya had the upper hand the entire time, and easily disposed of her after a brief skirmish. As Flio and Fenrys arrived, the Hero and the woman Damalynas was possessing were shown to be safe. The princess, revealed to be named Elizabeth, then met Flio and explained why she was here.
However, Flio was unmoved by her words, instead electing to remain with Fenrys and continue his life with her and the others. Upon returning home, Balirossa and the others informed Flio of their plan to purchase land, which he paid for in exchange for 30% of the profits since they insisted. Belano also revealed Flio inspired her to become a magic teacher. The episode ended with Flio saying he wanted to open his own shop and giving Fenrys a wedding ring.
What to expect from Chillin' in Another World Episode 8 (speculative)
Given Flio’s denial of Princess Elizabeth’s request, Chillin' in Another World Episode 8 will likely see Flio involved in the conflict between humanity and demon-kind one way or another. This is almost certain to be achieved via his relationship with Gholl, likewise suggesting Balirossa could also get involved.
Episode 8 will also likely focus on Fenrys and Flio’s relationship considering the romantic gesture the latter made to the former at the end of the previous installment. While the episode may not necessarily be a boring one, it seems unlikely that any significant action is to be had from the coming installment at the time of this article’s writing.
Related links
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