One of the most intriguing characters in Classroom of the Elite, Kushida Kikyou, is loved for her two-faced personality where she keeps her rancourous side hidden, and only Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is aware of it. However, as the story progressed, it was revealed that Kakeru Ryuuen also knows about Kushida’s malevolent nature after she joined hands with him to bring down Class 1-D.
The sixth episode eventually turned out to be the greatest of Season 2, as fans witnessed some of the best moments like Ayanokouji and Manabu Horikita competing in the relay race and Kushida showing Suzune her real face. As Episode 6 won the hearts of many fans, there are a lot of expectations from Episode 7.
When will Classroom of the Elite Season 2 Episode 7 be released?
Episode 7 of Classroom of the Elite Season 2 will be released on August 15, 2022, at 9.00 pm JST on A-TX and other respective channels in Japan. Netflix has started streaming both seasons of the series, but only in a few countries. Hulu, Roku, and Amazon Prime haven’t included Classroom of the Elite, however, fans can breathe easy now as Crunchyroll is streaming the second installment in both dubbed and subbed versions.
Fans in the Asian region can catch the latest episodes of the psychological-thriller series on Muse Asia’s YouTube channel. The release time of the episode is listed below, along with the different time zones:
- Pacific time: 6:00 am PDT
- Central time: 8:00 am CDT
- Eastern time: 9:00 am EDT
- British time: 2:00 pm BST
- Indian time: 5:30 pm IST
- European time: 2:00 pm CEST
- Australian time: 9:30 pm ACDT
- Philippines time: 8:00 pm PHT
Classroom of the Elite Season 2 Episode 6 recap
Without Ken Sudo, the entire Team Red would fall back and put Class 1-D at a disadvantage, which is why Suzune convinced him to return and lead the team. Ken apologized to his teammates and promised that they could rack up the points by keeping their spirits up. Ayanokouji and Manabu competed in the relay race which thrilled the entire Koudo Ikusei Senior High.
After celebrating with her class, Suzune left the place to meet Ryuuen. Suzune was aware of Kushida’s true nature as she recalled someone exactly like her during her middle school days. Suzune recorded the entire conversation, but Ryuuen came prepared. However, the latter received an audio recording of when he was plotting against Suzune and Team Red with Kinoshita from an anonymous person.
What to expect from Classroom of the Elite Season 2 Episode 7?
Classroom of the Elite neither released the title nor a preview teaser for the seventh episode. What comes next in the storyline is also a mystery as Episode 6 revealed most of the things till now. Although fans are sure that the person who saved Suzune is none other than Ayanokouji, it remains to be revealed officially.
Also, as Ryuuen has started taking an interest in the person who saved Suzune, fans must prepare themselves as the second half of Season 2 is going to be much different than what the series has offered up till now.
Readers can keep up with the latest anime and manga news as 2022 progresses.
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