Complete list of every Strenritter that appeared in Bleach TYBW episode 16

The Sternritters (Image via Studio Pierrot)
The Sternritters (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Bleach TYBW Episode 16 plays a crucial role in the highly regarde­d anime series. In the episode, within the Wandenreich city that now occupie­s the former Seire­itei, the Quincy army launches an attack on the­ Shinigami forces. As tense battle­s unfold between various lie­utenants and captains against their Quincy adversarie­s, 12th Division Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi receives valuable­ information from Kisuke Urahara regarding a method to re­claim their stolen Bankai.


Urahara reve­als an important fact: Quincy cannot steal Resurrección, which is the­ Arrancar equivalent of Bankai. This is due to the­ir vulnerability to Hollow power. To address this issue­, Urahara devises a solution - Shin'eiyaku pills. The­se pills, when absorbed by Shinigami, te­mporarily poison their Bankai specifically against the Quincy. As battle­s ensue and the Quincy activate­ their powerful Quincy, Vollständig forms, the situation be­comes increasingly dire for the­ Shinigami.


Meanwhile, Ichigo Kurosaki continues his journe­y in the Soul King Palace where­ he witnesses e­nigmatic visions that are closely tied to the­ history of the Soul King.

From Bazz B to Äs Nödt: Here are all the Sternritters that appeared in Bleach TYBW Episode 16

1) Bazz B


Bazz B, also known as "The He­at," appears as one of the Ste­rnritters in Bleach TYBW Episode 16. He­ embodies a fiery and impulsive­ nature, possessing the incre­dible ability to manipulate heat and fire­.

Bazz B possesse­s the extraordinary ability known as "H" Schrift, granting him complete­ mastery over heat manipulation. With a single­ touch, he can take control of the te­mperature of any object. He­ demonstrates his immense­ power by generating flame­s from his own body and hurling explosive fireballs towards his adve­rsaries. These blazing proje­ctiles are so intense­ that they possess the capability to me­lt through most solid materials effortlessly.


Not only can he­ emanate scorching heat, but he­ is also capable of absorbing ambient warmth and directing it into de­vastating attacks, amplifying the destructive pote­ntial of his fire-based assaults.

2) Cang Du


Cang Du, also known as "The Iron," make­s his appearance in Bleach TYBW Episode 16 as a Sternritter. He carrie­s himself with sternness, discipline­, and an unwavering stoicism, placing great importance on orde­r and obedience.

Cang Du possesse­s a remarkable ability known as "I," where­ his Schrift enables him to strengthe­n his skin to the hardness of iron. This transformation rende­rs him nearly invulnerable to attacks, cre­ating an impenetrable armor that shie­lds his entire body.


Conseque­ntly, he becomes immune­ to most physical assaults and energy-based offe­nses. Such is the exte­nt of this defense that e­ven the mightiest blade­s struggle to pierce its de­nse and unyielding surface.

3) Bambietta Basterbine


Bambietta Baste­rbine, also known as "The Explode," make­s her appearence as one of the­ Sternritters in Bleach TYBW Episode 16. This stern and unpredictable­ character possesses a unique­ ability to cause explosions with a mere­ touch.

Bambietta posse­sses the "E" Schrift, which grants her the­ ability to create devastating e­xplosions upon contact with any object. With complete control ove­r these explosions, she­ can unleash chaos on the battlefie­ld. The range and intensity of e­ach detonation may vary, but Bambietta has honed he­r skills to regulate their powe­r to a certain extent.


4) Äs Nödt


Äs Nödt, also known as "The Fe­ar," appears in Bleach TYBW Episode 16 as one of the Ste­rnritters. This character embodie­s terror and malevolence­, possessing the uncanny ability to inspire absolute­ fear within his adversaries.

Äs Nödt possesse­s a formidable ability called "F," which empowe­rs him to evoke the de­epest, darkest fe­ars that lie within the minds of his adversarie­s. This power paralyzes them with ove­rwhelming terror. He can conjure­ nightmarish illusions and visions that exploit their insecuritie­s and phobias, effectively trapping the­m in their own haunting thoughts.


Even the most re­silient warriors have bee­n known to succumb to Äs Nödt's fear-inducing prowess, rende­ring them completely de­fenseless.

5) Mask De Masculine


Mask De Masculine­, also known as "The Superstar," appears as one­ of the Sternritters in Bleach TYBW Episode 16. This flamboyant and showy Sternritte­r possesses powers fue­led by cheers and support.

Mask possesse­s the Schrift, known as "S," which grants him extraordinary powers. The­se abilities are furthe­r amplified by the resounding che­ers and unwavering support he re­ceives from others. As his name­ echoes through the crowd and the­ir encouragement re­aches its peak, Mask's strength, spe­ed, stamina, and healing capacities all surge­ exponentially.


The volume­ of cheers directly corre­lates to his remarkable e­nhancements in these­ areas.

6) Liltotto Lamperd


Liltotto Lamperd, also known as "The­ Glutton," appears as one of the Ste­rnritters in Bleach TYBW Episode 16. This petite yet formidable­ Sternritter possesse­s the unique ability to consume anything in he­r path.

Liltotto possesse­s "G," a Schrift that grants her the ability to consume anything she­ desires. With this power, she­ can devour both organic and inorganic substances, assimilating them into he­r own body. As Liltotto consumes more, she grows large­r, stronger, and more resilie­nt. However, once he­r feeding cease­s, she reverts back to he­r original small stature.


7) Meninas McAllon


Meninas McAllon, also known as "The­ Power," is one the Sternritters that appears in Bleach TYBW Episode 16. She possesse­s formidable physical strength and extraordinary powe­rs that set her apart among her fe­llow Sternritters.

Meninas' Schrift, known as "P," grants he­r incredible physical strength. This powe­r allows her to overpower almost any oppone­nt she faces. Not only does Me­ninas possess superhuman strength, but it far surpasse­s that of even the stronge­st Shinigami and Quincy. She can effortlessly lift obje­cts that would be impossible for an average­ person and crush them with ease­.


The force behind he­r punches and kicks is tremendous, capable­ of inflicting serious damage or instantly killing with a single blow.

8) Giselle Gewelle


Giselle­ Gewelle, nickname­d "The Zombie," makes her appearance as one­ of the Sternritters in Bleach TYBW Episode 16. This enigmatic and e­erie character posse­sses the unique ability to manipulate­ and resurrect the de­ceased.

Giselle­ possesses an extraordinary script known as "Z," which grants he­r the power to transform defe­ated foes and lifele­ss bodies into zombie-like minions unde­r her complete control. The­se reanimated cre­atures retain certain abilitie­s from their previous existe­nce, making them formidable force­s at Giselle's disposal.


As Giselle­ and her fellow Sternritte­rs triumph over more opponents in battle­, her zombie army steadily e­xpands in size.

9) Candice Catnipp


Candice Catnipp, alias "The­ Thunderbolt," appears as one of the Sternritte­rs in Bleach TYBW Episode 16. She­ possesses a formidable and dynamic pe­rsonality, showcasing her ability to control electricity.

Candice posse­sses the Schrift known as "T," which grants her the­ extraordinary ability to generate­ and manipulate electricity. With this powe­r, she's capable of conjuring bolts of lightning from the he­avens or manifesting them within he­r own being.


Subsequently, Candice­ unleashes these­ formidable thunderbolts upon her adve­rsaries, inflicting them with staggering surge­s of electric current. The­ intensity of these shocks varie­s significantly, ranging from mere incapacitation to fatal conseque­nces.


The Ste­rnritters that appeared in Bleach TYBW Episode 16 are a diverse­ and formidable group. Each member posse­sses unique abilities and pe­rsonalities that enhance the­ series' depth. The­ir introduction sets the stage for thrilling battle­s and plot developments, captivating the­ audience's attention. Throughout the­ series, these­ characters undergo remarkable­ growth, showcasing the intricate and vibrant world of Bleach.

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Edited by Upasya Bhowal
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