The Boruto series has introduced several "overpowered" characters, such as Isshiki, Code, Eida, and Daemon. Although almost all of them have been well explored, Daemon remains one of the most mysterious. His technique, which allows him to reflect any intent and attack aimed at him, makes him an overpowered character.
However, the trends observed throughout the Naruto and Boruto series have led fans to believe that Daemon will soon have a fight that will expose a significant weakness in his technique. Currently, Daemon is one of the strongest characters in the entire series and has been depicted as being on par with or even stronger than Boruto and Kawaki.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for the Boruto series.
Boruto: Daemon's technique might be more similar to Gojo's Infinity
Daemon's primary and most notable ability is his innate power to reflect an opponent's attack. This ability activates automatically without Daemon's conscious intent, provided he is in physical contact with someone. The reflection is triggered by the opponent's intent, meaning the stronger the intent, the more powerful the reflection.
Daemon is inarguably one of the strongest characters currently present in the series. Although his superiority over most of the characters is well established, the actual functioning of his abilities and techniques hasn't been fully revealed yet. However, there is a significant possibility that his technique to reflect killing intents and attacks might be similar to Satoru Gojo's Infinity from Jujutsu Kaisen.
Daemon's reflection technique could be an automatic mechanism that filters out attacks and intents using distinct rules, much like how Gojo's Infinity filters out threats or substances he has defined as harmful. This theory is supported by Eida, who shares a similar power that prevents anyone from harming her, while non-lethal attacks can still reach her.
For instance, Code's claw marks and Shikamaru's shadow paralysis were able to affect Eida, but the claw marks couldn't reach Daemon, even without harmful intent. This suggests that Daemon's reflection doesn't operate purely on the principle of harm.
Although Daemon might seem overpowered, he was previously subdued by someone much weaker than him. Before being introduced in the story, Daemon was subdued by Goro, who uses bacteria to paralyze his host. It is very possible that Daemon was subdued by this very technique.
Another theory suggests that Daemon's reflection technique is linked to his eyes. His distinct eyes are speculated to be some form of dojutsu, suggesting that his technique might require him to perceive anything he needs to counter. This would also tie in with his superior physicality and enhancements as a cyborg.
These theories also suggest that things like bacteria or poison might be able to harm him, as these do not have an "intent" of their own. If his technique is indeed tied to his perception, countering him could involve being faster than him or becoming imperceptible to him.
This might be one of the reasons behind Boruto learning the Flying Raijin technique since it will allow him to bypass Daemon's perception. However, Daemon's high intelligence and understanding might still make him difficult to counter effectively.
Final thoughts
While the exact mechanics of Daemon's abilities remain unknown, his immense strength and the potential rules governing his reflection technique firmly establish him as one of the most formidable characters in Boruto. His abilities, coupled with the ongoing mystery surrounding them, make him a compelling and dominant figure in the series.
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