Dahlia in Bloom, also known as Madougushi Dahliya wa Utsumukanai, is a debut series that adapts Hisaya Amagishi’s acclaimed light novel series, Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start with Magical Tools. The Japanese light novel series started serialization on the Shōsetsuka ni Narō website in April 2018.
Media Factory began its print publication in October 2018, featuring Kei’s illustrations. To date, ten volumes have been released. Additionally, two manga adaptations have been illustrated by Kamada and Megumi Sumikawa. The light novel and both manga adaptations of the series have already gained significant popularity.
Despite only releasing two episodes so far, this Summer 2024 debut anime has captured fans' attention. The plot of this ongoing anime adaptation has impressed audiences with its exceptional production quality and intriguing storyline.
Dahlia in Bloom: Full number of episodes, release date, broadcast times, and more
According to the details shared by Dahlia in Bloom anime’s home media, official website, and X account, the series will consist of 12 episodes, airing in a single cour. This Summer 2024 anime broadcasts every Saturday on AT-X at 9:00 pm in Japan. While the release time varies globally, most international fans can access the English-subtitled version of the episodes earlier on the release day.
The earliest online streaming options are available on d Anime Store and U-NEXT later on the same day. The anime premiered on Saturday, July 6, 2024, at 9:00 pm JST, and two episodes have been released so far. The third episode is scheduled to air on Saturday, July 20, 2024.
Below is the comprehensive release schedule for all episodes of Dahlia in Bloom as per IST, GMT, and PDT timings:
However, readers should note that although the schedule above mentions all release information, the dates and times listed here are subject to change if the studio makes any announcements. As of now, there have been no reports of delays for any episodes.
Where to watch Dahlia in Bloom?
Dahlia in Bloom is airing on various TV platforms in Japan, starting with AT-X (every Saturday at 9:00 pm JST), MBS (every Sunday at 3:38 am JST), Tokyo MX (every Sunday at 12:00 am JST), and BS11 (every Monday at 12:30 am JST).
This show is available for streaming on various online platforms including d Anime Store, U-NEXT, ABEMA, Anime Hōdai, DMM TV, Lemino, and more, providing fans with the flexibility to watch it at their convenience.
Global fans can catch the show on streaming sites like Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and Netflix, which have acquired distribution rights, allowing international audiences to watch Dahlia in Bloom. Note that Netflix will begin sequential distribution for the anime starting October 1, 2024.
What to expect in Dahlia in Bloom?
The narrative of Typhoon Graphics and Imagica Infos’s new anime, Dahlia in Bloom, follows the isekai journey of Dahlia Rossetti. After dying from overwork in Japan, Dahlia finds herself reincarnated in a new world where magic exists. Raised by a master artificer specializing in magical tools, she develops a passion for craftsmanship and becomes engaged to her father's apprentice.
However, tragedy strikes when her father unexpectedly passes away, and the day before their wedding, her fiancé confesses his love for another. Determined to forge her own path, Dahlia embraces independence and immerses herself in her craft, even if it means forsaking the future she dreams of.
From a fortuitous encounter with a knight to establishing her own business, Dahlia confronts numerous challenges on her journey to thrive as a skilled artisan. The narrative explores Dahlia's journey, brimming with possibilities, where she navigates hardships with resilience, determined to bloom into her true self.
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