Following the unexpected return of Unji Zuma in the previous installment, Dandadan chapter 182 should see the returning fan-favorite remain in the series’ main focus for some time. This seems especially likely since it appears Zuma and Daiki’s predicaments will occupy Momo and co’s time while Seiko searches for the uchide no kozuchi.
However, there are no verifiable spoilers available for Dandadan chapter 182 as of this article’s writing, which is to be expected given the series’ digital publication nature. Moreover, such a distribution approach inherently limits the likelihood of spoilers to the point where their absence is all but a foregone conclusion.
Thankfully, there are a few major areas in which Dandadan chapter 182 can be counted on to focus, even without the help of verifiable spoilers to confirm. The installment will likely see Momo Ayase and Ken “Okarun” Takakura’s full group of allies unite at the former’s house, including newcomers Unji Zuma and Kouki Yukishiro.
Dandadan chapter 182 likely to begin a new arc focused on fixing the fallout of the Danmanra Arc
Dandadan chapter 182 should open up with Momo and Okarun trying to quiet down their now very large group of friends once they all arrive at Seiko’s house. This should include Rin Sawaki, who has yet to appear in the current arc, as well as the aforementioned Zuma and Yukishiro. The group will likely decide to put their focus on Count Saint-Germain on hold, for now, to assist Zuma and Daiki Hakono with their respective curses.
In turn, it should also be confirmed that Momo has been growing smaller as time has progressed, highlighting that she too is afflicted by a similar curse. This should motivate everyone present to focus on finding a solution first to all three of their problems. It’s at this point that Seiko Ayase is likely to return home and join the group in their conversation, explaining that she thinks she’s found a way to return Momo to normal.
This should be what prompts the group to split up, with some looking for a means of helping Zuma and Daiki while others go with Seiko to get the uchide no kozuchi. It’s difficult to tell what the splits will be, but Okarun and Momo will likely be separated into different groups here. This would serve to justify a focus on each team’s activities, as well as further the depth of their romantic narrative and make their reunion and mutual declarations of love all the sweeter.
Dandadan chapter 182, however, is unlikely to actually see the two groups begin each of their respective missions. Instead, the focus is likely to shift to Hase, who is Count Saint-Germain’s newest lackey in his effort to collect powers. Hase will likely be practicing the use of his newfound abilities while also revealing his plan to stalk and corner Okarun once he’s at his most vulnerable.
Focus should then shift once more to Count Saint-Germain himself, seeing him issue orders to Hase while also out at the singles night he was invited to. It’s likely that he’ll be on the outskirts of the social circle, looking to eye potential candidates to become his next foot soldiers. The issue should end with spotting a potential candidate, setting up the subsequent release to reveal exactly how Saint-Germain manipulates these people.
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