Monster is a psychological thriller anime adapted from the manga series written and illustrated by Naoki Urasawa. The manga was published by Shogakukan in their seinen manga magazine Big Comic Original from 1994 to 2001. Monster was one of the first works of Urasawa that blew up, and the manga had international acclaim. It sold over 20 million copies worldwide. The manga won several awards, including the Japan Median Arts Festival.
The award-winning psycho-thriller manga was soon adapted into an equally good anime by Madhouse in 2004. The anime adaptation worked well with the fans and became a cult classic. Monster anime is among the highest-rated anime on IMDb with 8.7 stars and Myanimelist with 8.8 stars.
Any anime relies on multiple factors for its success, and Monster checks most of the boxes including a storyline that is near reality, strengthened side characters, an iconic antagonist, a righteous protagonist, and music that enhances the creep of the characters.
Disclaimer: The article contains some major spoilers from the anime and contains the author's opinion.
Monster is often rated as a psycho-thriller masterpiece
1) The plot and pacing
The anime revolves around Dr. Kenzo Tenma, a Japanese neurosurgeon who lives and works in Germany. The young Neurosurgeon is one of the finest in the country and is sure to have a successful life until one fateful day. Dr. Tenma saves the life of a little kid, Johan Liebert, who has been shot in the head. He operates the kid successfully and saves his life. However, instead of being one of his biggest accomplishments, it turns out to be his biggest mistake.
The kid is a monster who kills the hospital staff before disappearing. Several years later, Johan returns and turns Tenma's life into a living hell. Dr. Tenma leaves in search of Johan to kill him, where he finds acquaintances in Dieter and Wolfgang Grimmer.
The 74-episode-long anime is a single-season show that smoothly progresses with the introduction to the main characters in the initial episodes. The pace often feels a little off, though it features multiple subplots that play important parts when the anime nears its end. Eva's redemption arc, Lunge's investigation progress into different subplots, Anna Leibert's family storyline, and Grimmer's part are all very well written and followed by the anime.
2) The music
The music of Monster isn't the most catchy or memorable, but the 74-episode-long anime has music that perfectly blends with the situation and story. Most of the soundtracks stick to the main dark theme of the anime. The music perfectly portrays the creepiness and enhances the impact of the fear and terror that the villain causes.
The opening and ending themes are kept the same throughout the 74 episodes. Grain, the opening theme, remains the most memorable music piece from the anime. While the ending theme, For the Love of Life, plays smoothly towards the end of the episode.
3) Well-written side characters
Any anime needs solid side characters to keep the series alive and running. Monster showcases a range of strong side characters including the kid, Deiter, Eva Heinemann, Wolfgang Grimmer, Inspector Lunge, and several others.
Eva Heinemann has a near-perfect character development in the anime. She was initially introduced as the fiance of Dr. Kenzo Tenma. Her character is shown as a mean, obsessed, and insensitive person. But the suffering she endures in her journey to find Tenma, humbled her mean, status-driven, and heartless nature. Eva's characters had some extraordinary writing done by the author.
Another close person to Tenma, Wolfgang Grimmer, is a fan favorite. He is probably the most joyful and likable character in the dark-themed anime. Similar to Johan, Grimmer was also a subject of cruel experiments. The experiments did affect Grimmer, as he developed a split personality, known as The Magnificent Steiner. But Grimmer saw the brighter side and became a good person who worked to secure Germany in his ways.
Grimmer's kind and gentle nature helped him get acquainted with anyone. He was an important aide to Tenma towards the end of the anime. Inspector Lunge is the most intriguing character in Monster. He has a different work ethic and unique mannerisms, catching the eye of the viewer.
Lunge's work dedication even caused damage to his personal life. Still, his obsession with finding the truth and solving the case did not weaken him. His character went from suspecting Tenma to finally becoming an aide to Tenma capturing the Monster, which was very well written.
4) A growing protagonist in Dr. Tenma
The protagonist, Dr. Kenza Tenma, is a pure-hearted person and a genius surgeon working in Germany. As a doctor, Tenma is a professional and fully devoted to his profession. The first episode shows how much he cares about his ethics and beliefs, as he chooses Johan, who needs urgent surgery over the Mayor.
Tenma and Johan are complete contraries, one could risk it all to save a life, and the latter could care less about taking one. Tenma's suffering began even after he saved the kid, Johan. After the incidents following the kid's disappearance, Tenma's life was brought to a standstill. His sole aim was to kill the monster, Johan. Tenma isn't the best-written character in the anime. However, it is Tenma whose character holds the pace as he moves forward.
5) Johan, the Monster
Perhaps the best part of the show, Johan is portrayed as a perfect antagonist. His character, often regarded as the most manipulative, cunning, and cold-blooded villain, is loved by fans for how well he is written and shown in the anime.
A constant debate follows about whether he is pure evil or a tragic villain. Fans are always left divided on the topic, yet Johan remains one of the most twisted antagonists anime has ever seen. Johan, being a subject of numerous experiments, led to him impersonating the nameless monster persona.
The kid could never care about anyone but his sibling, having the attitude of using people as tools, Johan's high IQ helped him pave his way to the top and control everyone like pawns.
In conclusion
Monster, if not the best, stands among the top Psychological-thriller anime. It feels both psychologically real and emotionally gritty. Being a long anime, it creates an emotional attachment with its characters. At times in Monster, the storytelling is unlike other psycho-thriller anime and seems rather slowish, which helps the viewers take the unexpected twists.
Monster plays with your brain and stays in your mind, making you think about the show's characters and their gray nature. The characters written are more realistic and relatable instead of being cinematic like any other anime. The anime is never running far from reality, which is the biggest aspect of the show. The anime's theme also attracts some non-anime watchers and displays the anime's excellence and reach.
Is Monster the best psychological thriller anime? If not, which is your favorite one? Do tell in the comments.