My Hero Academia chapter 423 was released on May 20, 2024, and this chapter could have marked the end of the absolute evil All For One at the hands of the protagonist, Izuku Midoriya.
The chapter focused on the demise of the antagonist. Firstly, his regeneration quirk stopped working and secondly, with an exchange of blows, the last embers of One For All were transferred into All For One. This added to his despair and released Shigaraki and every vestige of One For All from his control.
After everyone was released from All For One's control, they pushed him and defeated the villain for good. But while this was happening, the hands of Midoriya and Shigaraki also collided with some blood, which could be an indication that the series wouldn't end with Midoriya as a quirkless hero, but a villainous one who causes everyone to suffer the whole series.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers from My Hero Academia chapter 423 and has the author's opinion.
My Hero Academia could end with Deku inheriting the most resented quirk

My Hero Academia chapter 423 commenced with All For One realizing that his body couldn't regenerate because of the impact his body had faced against the heroes. He admitted that individually, these little heroes couldn't do much but with their strengths combined, they could render his body useless.
Midoriya finally managed to land a blow on All For One, which made the villain's body crumble. But he reemerged, mocking the heroes that there will only be one Demon King, himself. He then devised a plan to transfer All For One and his other quirks into Midoriya, creating a new vessel.

Shirakumo (Kurogiri) interrupted their fight as he wanted Shigaraki back. But Bakugo made a surprise appearance and threw Midoriya at All For One. But Deku mocked the villain and landed a blow, which transferred the last embers of the first vestige, Yoichi, inside the villain, All For One. During the last meeting of the brothers, All For One showed his resentment over dying.
One For All declared that he would be facing the punishment for his crimes as Shigaraki and every other vestige of One For All was also released, and they all punched All For One, defeating him for good. Finally, the hands of Midoriya and Shiagaraki also touched, as the latter's body was reduced to dust.

Where such a climax was surprising to a lot of fans, in a series that announced its final chapters at least a month before, there was a detail in the chapter that raised eyebrows. In the chapter, while the hands of Shigaraki and Midoriya touched, there was also some blood in that panel.
As Midoriya's hand was wounded, Shigaraki's blood could have passed into his body. This could indicate that the All For One quirk could now be inside the protagonist, as Shigaraki was turned to dust.

The passing of quirks through blood was confirmed in the second movie of My Hero Academia, Heroes Rising. It has been confirmed that all movies of My Hero Academia are canon, but not related to the main story. However, the information presented in them is accurate.
During the last moments of this movie, Modoriya and Bakugo were rendered motionless by the antagonist Nine. Thinking there was no other way out, Midoriya reached out his hand to Bakugo and their wounded hands touched, thus a blood transfer occurred from Midoriya to Bakugo.
This transferred One For All into Bakugo and together with Midoriya, they defeated Nine. This could be what happened at the end of chapter 423, but take this with a grain of salt and wait for official confirmation.
Related Links
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