Ryouko Kui’s fantasy comedy manga series, Delicious in Dungeon, thrillingly announced to receive a TV anime series adaptation by Studio Trigger in August 2022. The news was made public through the anime’s official websites and Twitter handle.
To commemorate the announcement, the anime eventually dropped a unique key visual depicting the four characters in a top-down shooter game-like angle, enjoying delicious meals in a dungeon. Further excitement ensued during Studio Trigger’s press release panel at the Anime Expo on July 1, 2023, where it was disclosed that Netflix had secured the licensing rights for the anime.
Fans were delighted to learn that they would get the opportunity to witness the world premiere of this delectable dungeon gourmet series in January 2024. To add to the anticipation, an official trailer was released, offering a glimpse into the hilarious characters and the adventures that await them.
Delicious in Dungeon anime to be released in January 2024 on Netflix worldwide
Yoshihiro Miyajima will be directing Delicious in Dungeon at Studio Trigger. Kimiko Ueno will pen the scripts for the anime, while Naoki Takeda will handle the character designs. Yasunori Mitsuda and Shunsuke Tsuchiya will compose the music for the series. As announced on October 4, the anime will run for two consecutive cours from January to June 2024.
BUMP OF THE CHICKEN, one of the popular rock bands in Japan, will provide the opening theme song, Sleep Walking Orchestra, for Delicious in Dungeon. The ending theme song for the series and the exact release are the only two details that are yet to be disclosed.
The original manga series of the same name, Delicious in Dungeon by Ryouko Kui, began serialization in the Harta magazine of Enterbrain on February 15, 2014. As of August 2022, the chapters are comprised of twelve tankobons. This clearly states that the anime has enough source material for season 1 and beyond.
Yen Press published the Delicious in Dungeon manga in English for fans worldwide. Here’s how it describes the plot of the series:
"What do you get when you cross dungeon adventures and food manga? You get Delicious in Dungeon, where we find our troupe of adventurers on a mission to save their lost team member while figuring out how to survive on the food that the dungeon provides. When young adventurer Laios and his company are attacked and soundly thrashed by a dragon deep in a dungeon, the party loses all its money and provisions."
It continues:
"They're eager to get right back to it, but there's just one problem: if they set out with no food or coin to speak of, they're sure to eat it on the way! But Laios comes up with a brilliant idea: "Let's eat the monsters!" Slimes, basilisks, mimics, and even dragons...none are safe from the appetites of these dungeon-crawling gourmands!"
Below is the complete list of the characters and their voice cast revealed so far:
- Chilchuck - Asuna Tomari (Kyou Souma in Fruits Basket)
- Senshi - Hiroshi Naka (Monkey D. Garp in One Piece)
- Laios - Kentarou Kumagai (Dae-Wi Han in The God of Highschool)
- Marcille - Sayaka Senbongi (Shuna in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime)
- Namari - Akira Miki (Thrud in Record of Ragnarok season 2)
- Falin - Saori Hayami (Yukino Yukinoshita in My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU)
- Shuro - Shinji Kawada (Shino Aburame in Naruto)
More details about Delicious in Dungeon anime will be revealed in time. Stay tuned for more news and updates as 2023 progresses.