In the Demon Slayer series, Sumiyoshi Kamado is a character linked to the Sun Breathing, later known as Hinokami Kagura. As an ancestor of Tanjiro Kamado, Sumiyoshi's exceptional memory and keen observation skills allowed him to memorize the lightning-fast Sun Breathing techniques, demonstrated by Yoriichi Tsugikuni.
This ability ensured the preservation of these powerful techniques, which were meticulously passed down through generations. This article explores Sumiyoshi Kamado's connection to Sun Breathing, delving into his role in maintaining this critical element of the Kamado family's heritage and its impact on the series.
Demon Slayer: Kamado Sumiyoshi passed down the Sun Breathing techniques
Sumiyoshi, possessing a sharp memory, is implied to be capable of using Sun Breathing techniques, later known as the Hinokami Kagura. He memorized the moves shown by Yoriichi Tsugikuni, passing down the dance and Yoriichi's earrings through generations.
After witnessing Yoriichi's demonstration only once, Sumiyoshi's keen observation skills enabled him to recall the lightning-fast Sun Breathing techniques with accuracy. This remarkable ability ensured that he could pass down the complete set of techniques to his descendants without any loss or distortion, preserving the Sun Breathing techniques meticulously.
Sumiyoshi appeared before Tanjiro during an unconscious state caused by Muzan Kibutsuji's attack during the Sunrise Countdown arc. Tanjiro saw a vision of Sumiyoshi speaking with Yoriichi, who shared events of his life, including his failed attempt to kill Muzan.
In this vision, Tanjiro observed Sumiyoshi watching Yoriichi perform each form of Sun Breathing as a display for his family. Sumiyoshi's intense focus allowed him to imprint the movements in his memory, eventually creating the variation that became known as Hinokami Kagura.
This diligent observation and preservation by Sumiyoshi played a crucial role in ensuring the continuity of these powerful techniques through the generations.
Demon Slayer: All you need to know about Sumiyoshi Kamado
Sumiyoshi Kamado was an ancestor of the Kamado family and a close friend of Yoriichi Tsugikuni. In a brief memory that Tanjiro received from his ancestor, it is shown that their personalities are very similar. Sumiyoshi, like Tanjiro, was kind, generous, honest, and humble.
Sumiyoshi and his wife, Suyako, discovered an abandoned house in the woods and decided to make it their home. During the last month of Suyako's pregnancy, they were attacked by a demon. A Demon Slayer named Yoriichi Tsugikuni saved them. Grateful for Yoriichi's actions, Sumiyoshi befriended him.
During the birth of his second child, Sumiyoshi asked Yoriichi to watch over his wife and child while he went away briefly. Upon returning, he apologized for making a guest run an errand and brought food for Yoriichi.
Yoriichi intended to leave soon, considering it impolite to eat free meals. However, Sumiyoshi reminded him of their indebtedness for his actions, which allowed their children to be born safely.
When Sumiyoshi asked for his name, Yoriichi initially declined, believing his name held no value. He also rejected Sumiyoshi's perception of him as special, considering himself a man of no worth.
Final thoughts
In the Demon Slayer series, Sumiyoshi Kamado's incredible memory and observation skills allowed him to preserve Yoriichi Tsugikuni's Sun Breathing techniques as Hinokami Kagura. His dedication ensured these techniques endured through generations, ultimately aiding Tanjiro in his battle against Muzan Kibutsuji.
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