Doma, the Upper Moon Two in the Demon Slayer series, is arguably one of the strongest antagonists. Second only to Kokushibo, his combat abilities are terrifying owing to his Blood Demon Art. The character was teased towards the end of the Entertainment District arc, and since then the fanbase had been anxiously waiting to see him in action.
As stated earlier, one of the concluding moments of the aforementioned arc showed a close-up of Doma’s eyes. He was linked to Daki and Gyutaro since it was Doma who saved them and turned the siblings into powerful demons. In that scene, his eyes were colorful and unique compared to every other demon viewers had seen up until now.
However, a small portion of the Demon Slayer fanbase noticed a slight change in how his eyes were animated during the Swordsmith Village arc. Based on the comments in the thread, the question that surfaces center around the change of color in Doma’s eyes based on his mood.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Demon Slayer manga.
Demon Slayer: A change in lighting affects the color and its vibrancy

The answer to the question “Do Doma’s eyes change color based on his mood?” is no. It is unlikely that the animators are changing the color of his eyes based on his mood. If plenty of demons’ exhibited a similar phenomenon, this would make sense because it would be considered as a demon's feature in the Demon Slayer series. However, that is not the case. If readers carefully observe the two pictures, they may notice that the lighting and backgrounds are quite different.

In one of the frames, Doma is outdoors at night time, and the moon’s light is illuminating the frame. Meanwhile, in the other frame, Doma, along with the other Upper Moon demons, are indoors (i.e., within the Infinity Castle). Since the settings are different, the lighting also differs.
The first frame was from Gyutaro’s perspective, where Doma seemed to have an angelic appearance since he saved them sibling duo. To give Doma an ethereal look, the combination of the moon’s light with the colors in his eyes made them look vibrant. On the other hand, the color of his eyes inside a room with yellow light impedes the vibrancy.
Since the second frame wasn’t exactly a close-up, the borders separating the colors looked mildly diffused. If fans account for the change in lighting as well as the focal length of the shot, it could add to the slight difference in the appearance of the Upper Moon Two’s eyes.
About Doma
Doma is the Upper Moon 2 demon who was responsible for saving Daki and Gyutaro. He also started a cult where Inosuke’s mother was a part. People would disappear quite regularly and therefore suspected Doma of killing them. Although she ran away, she was trapped by a cliff. The mother threw Inosuke into the river, after which she was devoured by Doma.
Doma's Blood Demon Art has allowed him to manipulate the ice that he generates from his blood and flesh. Not only can he manipulate and spawn them in his surroundings but these are also quite lethal for humans who inhale them. These abilities allowed him to kill the former Flower Hashira Kanae Kocho. Shinobu was forced to sacrifice herself to weaken Doma. Inosuke Hashibira and Kanao capitalized on this opportunity and killed the Upper Moon 2 demon.