The Demon Slayer series has introduced a diverse range of antagonists encountered by the demon hunters throughout its narrative. Among these adversaries, the Upper Moon demons stand out as some of the most formidable. These are some of the strongest demons who have a higher concentration of Muzan Kibutsuji’s blood and are capable of defeating some of the strongest Hashiras as well.
In particular, Daki and Gyutaro are recognized as relatively weaker Upper Moon demons within the series. They were the primary antagonists in the Entertainment District arc of the anime series. Despite a challenging confrontation, the demon hunters emerged victorious over the two adversaries.
However, fans seemed to be concerned about Daki’s romantic interests. Viewers seem to be asking one question - Was Daki in love with Muzan? Yes, it is highly likely that Daki was in love with Muzan Kibutsuji in the Demon Slayer series.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative in nature since the Demon Slayer manga and anime adaptation has not explicitly given an answer to the question posed above.
Demon Slayer: Taking a look at Daki’s relationship with Muzan
Before we dive into the topic, it is important to note that Muzan Kibutsuji can control every single demon to a great degree. There is also a curse embedded in the bodies that kills them if they ever take Muzan’s name. Muzan can also see through the eyes of demons and monitor the world, which was how Muzan was able to see Nezuko conquer the son during the Swordsmith Village arc.
Every demon in the series is quite devoted to Muzan Kibutsuji in the Demon Slayer series, and Daki is no different. However, her devotion to the Demon King himself is quite different from what we can see in other demons. She is almost obsessive when Muzan is around and acts quite meek. When he isn’t around, Daki is extremely proud and always has a “holier than thou” outlook towards everyone else.
Furthermore, when Muzan summoned her, she nearly submitted herself, which led to fans thinking that Daki could potentially be romantically interested in Muzan based on her behavior. When she found Muzan in her room, she immediately blushed, and her demeanor had changed completely. She prostrated herself before Muzan and her face lit up when Muzan called Daki by her name.
Shortly after this, Muzan approached her and caressed her face, and Daki seemed to enjoy her time with him in the Demon Slayer series. This short interaction certainly suggests that Daki liked Muzan romantically and revered him. That being said, it is important to note that this was the only interaction based on which we have decided since Daki eventually dies in the Entertainment District arc. Furthermore, Muzan only spoke to her that way since he wanted to manipulate her.
We urge the fanbase to take this information with a grain of salt since neither the source material nor the anime adaptation has provided an explicit answer to the question that was posed at the beginning of the article. However, the likelihood of Daki liking Muzan romantically, based on the clues explored, is quite high.
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