Tanjiro and Nezuko, the protagonist duo of Demon Slayer, are often at the center of all the action. While the former usually spends his time on Demon Slayer Corps missions, Nezuko is often found sleeping inside the box her brother carries. Her sleeping schedule is normal most of the time in the series, but she once slept for two years straight while Tanjiro completed his training.
This took place during his training session with Urokodaki during the Final Selection arc. Nezuko had practically nothing to do, which some people may think is the reason why she slept for so long. But that's not true.
Nezuko from Demon Slayer slept for 2 years to regain her strength
Highly-ranked demons are often regarded as immortals, especially if they are very powerful and can't be killed easily. Demons may be killed by daylight or with one of the Demon Slayer Corps' special Nichirin Blades.
The energy of a demon almost entirely depends on how many human beings they have consumed. They can also grow more powerful by receiving additional blood from Muzan, which is how the Twelve Demon Moons gain their overwhelming strength.
That being said, demons don't need to consume human beings in order to live. They only do so because they want to become more powerful and deadly.
Nezuko, however, thinks that all humans are her family and hates the idea of killing someone just to sustain her own life. Thus, she uses sleep as a replacement for human flesh to replenish her power.
While Tanjiro is used to Nezuko sleeping most of the time, it was unusual for her to sleep for so long without waking up. This made Tanjiro so worried that he even called a doctor to check on her. When Urokodaki introduced the new sporting box that he designed for Nezuko, he gave his opinion on why she might sleep so frequently and for long durations.
In chapter 10 of the Demon Slayer manga, Urokodaki told Tanjiro:
"This is mere speculation, but instead of eating human flesh, Nezuko may sleep to replenish her strength."
Urokodaki’s opinions can be validated because after most fights, Nezuko ends up falling asleep and is unconscious for a while before she can return to combat. After Tanjiro's loss of family and his schooling with Urokodaki, it made sense for Nezuko to use any time of peace she got to recharge her ability. This is all the more true once her worries about becoming a full-fledged demon are factored in.
Tanjiro prepared a journal for Nezuko to read as soon as she wakes up from her never-ending slumber to tell her of the many exciting things she missed out on. He wrote:
"I’ve been writing for six months, Nezuko, and you still haven’t woken up. Urokodaki immediately called a doctor to look at you, but he found nothing wrong. Yet It’s clearly strange for you to continue sleeping like this. I was scared. I thought I’d wake up in the morning to find you dead, and that’s still how I feel every night."
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