Within the realm of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, the Hashira serve as highly proficient Demon Slayers who have unparalleled abilities and take on a vital responsibility in safeguarding humankind from the peril of demons. Among these mighty protectors, Obanai Iguro distinguishes himself as a complex character.
Whereas the Hashira are regarded with esteem and admiration, Obanai Iguro tends to be viewed as the least impressive Hashira. Though he possesses immense skills in battle, his disagreeable personality and aloof behavior often alienate others, leading many to have an unfavorable opinion of him.
Demon Slayer: The complex personality of Obanai Iguro
Obanai Iguro, a character in the series, is portrayed as having a complex personality that contributes to his unfavorable reputation. His sharp tongue and habit of openly criticizing fellow Demon Slayers create tension within the Corps, hindering unity. Obanai's harsh and strict demeanor, coupled with unrealistic expectations, is evident in his berating of Tengen Uzui for sustaining injuries in battle.
His devotion to the Corps' future is displayed at the expense of others, tying up lower-ranked Slayers for petty reasons during training. Obanai's disdain for new recruits and surprise at their capabilities reveal a lack of faith in their potential. Notably, he often points accusatorily at others while berating them, further emphasizing his difficult communication style.
Obanai came from a group of bandits who lived off the wealth taken from those they had slain. His family worshipped a devil and used to sacrifice their newborn infants for fiscal favors. When Obanai was little, a snake monster nearly murdered him, yet he figured out how to flee with the help of a little white snake named Kaburamaru. This scary encounter probably added to his emotional separation and the framing of his strict character.
History and Background of Obanai Iguro
Obanai Iguro's past held great influence over who he became. Coming from a family devoted to snake worship for generations, he grew up closely bonded to serpents.
This connection appears in his chosen breathing technique, called Serpent Breathing. His unusual upbringing distinguishes him from others and lends to his often mysterious and frequently misjudged character. Obanai's history significantly impacts his actions and decisions.
Obanai Iguro: The Serpent Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps
Obanai Iguro is one of the nine Hashira, the highest-ranking Demon Slayers within the Demon Slayer Corps. His distinct breathing style, Serpent Breathing, further adds to his uniqueness.
Derived from Water Breathing, Serpent Breathing emulates the movements and characteristics of snakes. Obanai's techniques and forms focus on the twisting and bending of his sword, replicating the slithering motions of serpents. This unorthodox approach to combat is both captivating and perplexing, further fueling the mystique surrounding Obanai Iguro.
Final thoughts
Obanai Iguro's portrayal as the worst Hashira is a result of various contributing factors. His habit of berating or speaking ill of others, coupled with his complex personality, has resulted in a negative perception among fans and fellow Demon Slayers.
However, it is essential to consider Obanai's unique history and breathing style, which add depth and complexity to his character. While opinions may vary regarding his standing among the Hashira, Obanai Iguro remains an intriguing and integral part of the narrative.