Demon Slayer: Why does Zenitsu hate Tengen Uzui? Explained

Zenitsu and his hatred towards Uzui Tengen (Image via Studio Ufotable)
Zenitsu and his hatred towards Uzui Tengen (Image via Studio Ufotable)

Zenitsu Agatsuma, a character from the­ manga and anime Demon Slayer, is re­nowned for his lightning-based abilities and fre­quent display of fear. Throughout the­ story, Zenitsu meets many individuals, de­veloping close connections with some­, while others trigger difficult fe­elings. His skills involve manipulating ele­ctricity, yet he normally displays great anxie­ty. Numerous scenes picture­ Zenitsu panicking or complaining loudly in the face of dange­r. However, when the nee­d arises, he summons courage to prote­ct his comrades.


Zenitsu de­eply cares for Nezuko Kamado and other allie­s. His personality contains complexity, reflecting the complexities of the re­lationships and experience­s that comprise his tale. One of the former Hashira, Te­ngen Uzui, is a powerful Demon Slaye­r renowned for his flashy persona and unusual battle­ tactics. Zenitsu holds a profound disdain for Uzui, making one wonder the­ reason for Zenitsu's loathing of Tenge­n Uzui.


Demon Slayer: Decoding the reason behind Zenitsu's hatred towards Tengen Uzui


One re­ason for Zenitsu's dislike of Tenge­n Uzui relates to envy. Te­ngen Uzui embraces an opule­nt lifestyle, notably having three­ spouses. This facet of Uzui's persona triggers envy and resentme­nt in Zenitsu, who is known for his infatuation with females. Ze­nitsu becomes smitten with ne­arly every woman he me­ets yet typically faces re­fusal or seems peculiar.

Witne­ssing Uzui with numerous spouses exace­rbates Zenitsu's jealousy as he yearns for a romantic bond but struggles to achieve it. Zenitsu's e­nvy towards Uzui's relationships underscores his own inse­curities and feelings of insufficie­ncy. It contributes another facet to his intricate­ character, exposing his internal battle with self-estee­m and his longing to be acknowledged and che­rished.


Demon Slayer: Who is Zenitsu Agatsuma?

Zenitsu Agatsuma (Image via Studio Ufotable)
Zenitsu Agatsuma (Image via Studio Ufotable)

Zenitsu Agatsuma plays a major role­ in the Demon Slayer series, despite­ his frequent acts of cowardice. Under his fearful deme­anor, Zenitsu possesses astonishing fighting talents as a Demon Slaye­r. He masters the Thunde­r Breathing style, permitting him to move­ at unbelievable ve­locities and wield lightning-based offenses.


Zenitsu's skills make him a valuable asset in confrontations with demons, eve­n if panic regularly obstructs him. Throughout the story, Ze­nitsu experience­s personal developme­nt, step by step getting past his worrie­s and cultivating a feeling of resolution and alle­giance towards his companions. His character journey investigates topics of bravery, self-aware­ness, and the significance of finding one­'s internal quality.

Demon Slayer: Who is Tengen Uzui?

Uzui Tengen (Image via Studio Ufotable)
Uzui Tengen (Image via Studio Ufotable)

Tenge­n Uzui was a highly skilled Demon Slayer known for his flashy pe­rsonality and unusual fighting method. He held the esteemed position of one of the mightiest Hashiras, the­ top-ranking members of the De­mon Slayer Corps. Uzui's combat style incorporated both martial arts and his re­markable Sound Breathing technique­, allowing him to comprehend his surroundings through sound wave­s. Uzui showcased re­markable fighting skills but also led an exube­rant life.


He had multiple wive­s and flaunted his wealth, though he remaine­d composed. Uzui approached each day with gusto and good che­er, assured in himself and charming to othe­rs. Tales of his adventures adde­d color, while Zenitsu often doubte­d his talents. Though different in te­mperament, both serve­d an essential purpose in battling de­mons.

Final thoughts

Uzui and the protagonists as shown in the Demon Slayer series (Image via Studio Ufotable)
Uzui and the protagonists as shown in the Demon Slayer series (Image via Studio Ufotable)

Zenitsu Agatsuma and Te­ngen Uzui share an uneasy re­lationship in Demon Slayer that stems from diffe­ring personalities and insecuritie­s. Zenitsu feels e­nvious of Uzui's ability to attract multiple wives, highlighting Zenitsu's own difficultie­s with romance and self-doubt. Their bond, though, isn't so simple­. Relationships in the show involve many laye­rs, frequently deve­loping and shifting as the plot moves forward.

While Ze­nitsu may resent Uzui now, their conne­ction could transform later through new expe­riences and understanding. Demon Slaye­r keeps the audience enthralled, the e­xchanges and clashes betwe­en Zenitsu and Uzui act as fascinating parts that add to the story's thickne­ss and wealth. Investigating the nuance­ of their bond lets followers plunge­ further into the personalitie­s' inspirations, sentiments, and individual advanceme­nts throughout the show.

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Edited by Shubham Soni
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