Demon Slayer has quickly become one of the most popular anime and manga series of this decade. The series centers around Tanjiro Kamado, whose family is killed in a demon attack, turning his eldest sister, Nezuko, into a demon.
To return his sister to human form and avenge his family’s death, Tanjiro joins the Demon Slayer Corps.
As the series draws to a close, many have speculated that Tanjiro might not make it to the end. The most recent installment of the manga is already exploring one possible outcome for the hero. As the end nears, fans brace themselves as they wait to learn the fate of the protagonist.
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Demon Slayer: The Sunrise Countdown arc
No, Tanjiro doesn't become a demon. Although he is affected by Muzan's blood and turns into a demon for a few moments, the efforts of his friends and the last of Tamayo's medicine bring him back. The “Sunrise Countdown arc” of Demon Slayer has proven to be an exceptional addition to the franchise. Nezuko can become human again, thanks to the medicine created by demon doctor Tamayo.
An epic final battle between the Demon Slayer Corps and the Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, ensues.
Tanjiro and the other demon slayers successfully kept Muzan at arm’s length in the sunlight. It appears as if he is finally defeated as his body deteriorates. Refusing to go down without a fight, Muzan used the last trick in his arsenal: turning Tanjiro into a demon.
Tanjiro’s transformation to a demon
Nezuko arrives just in time to see her brother transform. Tanjiro’s mutated eye and arm heal as he starts attacking his former brother in arms. The already depleted and injured Demon Slayer force tries to keep Tanjiro’s rampage under control. All the while trying to process the massive change occurring.
While Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Nezuko plead with the human side of Tanjiro not to give in, Giyuu Tomioka begrudgingly contemplates whether or not he’ll have to end his friend’s life. Giyuu then notices that Tanjiro has had many opportunities to kill Nezuko, but he doesn’t. This small thing showed that Tanjiro’s human side was fighting back, giving his friends a glimmer of hope.
Also read: Why does Tanjiro's scar change?
With the help of Kanao Tauyuri, and her “Flower Breathing Final Form: Equinoctial Vermilion Eye,” she injects the same medicine that cured Nezuko into Tanjiro. Then it becomes a struggle between Tanjiro and Muzan's consciousness trying to gain control over the body. Muzan tries to manipulate him into believing that everyone will hate him for hurting them and there's more benefit in having eternal life.
However, Tanjiro's morals and his trust in the good nature of humanity allow him to win over the Demon King. His friends' encouraging words also "pulled" him out of Muzan's grasp, completely defeating him for once and all.
What exactly is Tanjiro’s fate?
Tanjiro was in an immensely difficult position with a minuscule amount of control over his actions. His transformation into a demon would have been a somber end to the hero’s journey. Thankfully, the author had an ending befitting his sacrifices.
Also read: How is Tanjiro Kamado related to Yoriichi Tsugikuni?
Tanjiro endured and overcame becoming a demon, and returned to his normal life. With no more demons left, he could finally enjoy a peaceful life with his sister and friends. We also see in the later chapters that Tanjiro's descendants after many years were living happily. The hero of the story had truly achieved a happy ending after many ordeals.
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