Detective Conan: Hannin No Hanzawa San is a spinoff of the original manga series. The team has announced important details concerning the team and the show's premiere. A few months ago, the publisher, Shogakukan, announced that two spinoff series, including Detective Conan: Hannin No Hanazawa San, would be receiving anime adaptations.
Naturally, fans of the series were thrilled since Detective Conan is one of the most well-known crimes and investigative anime series. Fans have more reasons to be excited about the series since Shogakukan also decided to announce details regarding the crew that would be responsible for the anime adaptation.
Detective Conan: Hannin No Hanzawa San will premiere in October this year
According to the official website of the series, the spinoff show will debut sometime in October 2022. All episodes of the spinoff will be available on Netflix. However, the exact release date has not been mentioned as of now.
Fans will have to wait for further details regarding its release. That being said, the series has revealed the team that will be responsible for the creation of the spinoff series.
Akitaro Daichi will be the director for this series, and he has also directed series such as Fruits Basket and Ninja Girl & Samurai Master in the past. The studio responsible for the animation is TMS Entertainment.
Mayumi Nakajima will be the art director for the spinoff anime, and she has worked on numerous titles such as Inuyashiki Last Hero and Space Dandy. Chieko Nakamura will be the art supervisor, and she has worked on titles such as Captain Tsubasa: Holland Youth and Baku Tech! Bakugan.
Hiromi Miyawaki has been named the color key artist, and she has worked on popular titles such as Baki and Gintama. Akemi Sasaki will be the compositing director of photography who has worked on numerous Detective Conan titles and Tower of God.
Ikuyo Fujita will be the series editor who has worked on the previous original titles as well. Yasuyuki Uragami and Keiko Urakami will be the audio directors of this series, and they have worked on titles such as Baki and Baki Hanma.
Kaori Yamada will be responsible for the sound effects in the series, and this person has worked on titles such as Age 12 and Bakuman. Jun Abe and Seiji Muto will be responsible for composing the music, and they have worked previously on Fruits Basket.
This series is a gag manga, and it will feature the black entity that represents the mysterious criminal in the original chapters of the manga series. Fans are excited about the series and hope the humor is delivered well in the anime adaptation.