The final episode of Attack on Titan, which aired on November 4, 2023, has generated a lot of buzz among fans mainly due to a scene that has sparked controversy online. This scene features Mikasa holding a baby with someone who resembles Jean standing behind her, as they pay their respects at Eren's grave.
Fans have been engaging in discussions online, speculating about the meaning and significance of this scene. Some believe it could suggest a romantic connection between Jean and Mikasa while others interpret it as a symbol of Mikasa moving on and letting go of her feelings for Eren.
This has sparked debates and speculation about the dynamics between Jean and Mikasa as well as its potential impact on the story's conclusion.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Attack on Titan.
Attack on Titan: Mikasa visits Eren's grave along with Jean in a controversial moment
In the final episode of Attack on Titan, Mikasa and Jean pay a visit to Eren's grave. Mikasa is holding a baby, which indicates that Jean and Mikasa have formed a relationship after the events of the Paradis War.
Although Jean and Mikasa have found happiness together, the memory of Eren still lingers in their hearts. Eren played a role in their lives and his actions and sacrifices had a profound impact on their world. It's only natural for Jean and Mikasa to honor Eren's legacy and the profound influence he had on their lives.
Attack on Titan: The evolution of Jean and Mikasa's bond
Throughout the Attack on Titan series, the connection between Jean and Mikasa changed significantly. At first, Jean had a crush on Mikasa, which was portrayed in a scene where he imagines a girl who looks like her. Fans can tell he's smitten because he gets jealous whenever Mikasa is around Eren.
As the story unfolds, their relationship takes on a new dimension. Jean and Mikasa become comrades and friends, fighting together in battles and saving each other's lives. One can see how much Jean cares for Mikasa when he gets angry after finding out about how Eren mistreated her. He insists that she tell him what Eren did to hurt her, showcasing his concern and protective nature towards her.
Although Jean and Mikasa shared a bond of friendship and support throughout the series, it is important to mention that there hasn't been a clear depiction of any romantic involvement between them. However, the scene at Eren's grave seemingly suggests this.
Final thoughts
The latest episode of Attack on Titan has stirred up several emotions and unanswered questions among fans. One particular scene, featuring Mikasa visiting Eren's grave with a baby and someone who resembles Jean by her side has sparked debates and speculation among viewers.
This scene carries significance as it represents the continuation of life and the potential for future generations. It also raises questions about the nature of Jean and Mikasa's bond, leaving room for speculation about whether their relationship has developed into something beyond friendship. However, it is important to note that the series hasn't explicitly confirmed this.
Ultimately the interpretation of this moment is subjective, allowing fans to form their own conclusions and theories about the duo. As Attack on Titan draws to a close, the ongoing Jean and Mikasa controversy showcases the intricacies and depth of the story, ensuring that discussions and debates among fans will persist even after its final episode.