A viral tweet is recently circulating around, falsely claiming that the manga series Kagurabachi has surpassed One Piece as the best-selling manga of all time. The tweet stated that the former has sold over one billion copies worldwide, after just one chapter. However, this claim is entirely false.
One Piece still remains the highest-selling manga series of all time, having 1000 plus chapters and having sold over 500 million copies worldwide as of September 2023. It has held this record for a long time. On the other hand, the Kagurabachi manga series has only one chapter released so far.
The viral tweet was likely created as a prank or to intentionally provoke and deceive people. It is important to be critical of information that you see online, especially if it appears too sensational or unbelievable.
A viral tweet about Kagurabachi dethroning One Piece as the best-selling manga is fake
A viral tweet has claimed that Kagurabachi, a recently released manga series, has surpassed One Piece as the highest-selling manga of all time, selling over a billion copies worldwide.
To support this claim, the tweet also included a picture of what appeared to be the main character (Chihiro Rokuhira) of Kagurabachi photoshopped in front of a chart that features manga series that have sold over 100 million copies or above.
However, the picture is actually photoshopped. Additionally, there is no record of the manga series Kagurabachi achieving sales of 100 million copies.
Regardless of this false tweet, the Kagurabachi manga series is now trending at #5 on MangaPlus, having overtaken My Hero Academia in the ranking with its first chapter.
Despite being false, the claim has sparked significant interest in Kagurabachi. People are intrigued and eager to delve into this fictional manga series, leading them to visit MangaPlus to read its first chapter.
It's important to mention that My Hero Academia is a highly popular manga series, so the fact that Kagurabachi manga has surpassed it in the rankings holds significant weight. This indicates a strong level of interest in this manga series, despite only having released its first chapter.
The Kagurabachi manga series is written and illustrated by Takeru Hokazono and released its first chapter on September 17, 2023. The series is serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump, a popular Japanese manga magazine.
The story follows Chihiro, a young man who is seeking revenge for the death of his father. He is trained in the art of swordsmanship, and is determined to find the person responsible for his father's death.
The first chapter of the series introduces Chihiro and his motivation for revenge. The chapter also introduces some of the other characters in the series, including his friends and rivals.
The series has been praised for its well-written characters and its thrilling action sequences. The art style is also praised for its dynamic and detailed visuals. this series is still in its early stages, but it has already become a popular series. It is likely that the series will continue to grow in popularity in the coming months and years.