Ken Wakui’s Tokyo Revengers manga gained a massive fan following after the anime adaptation was announced. On paper, this series had everything that a typical shonen series would have. It has incredibly strong characters, tons of fights, and plenty of moments that had the potential to get the fanbase hyped. However, the execution of it all was quite bad and the overall reading experience only deteriorated as the manga progressed.
At the time of writing, only two seasons of the series have been released while the manga completed its course. It has left fans wondering if the Tokyo Revengers manga fell off in terms of overall quality. The answer to that is yes, Tokyo Revengers manga certainly suffered from a decline in quality and there are numerous reasons for it as well.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article reflect the opinions of the author and fans that partake in discussions on social media platforms. This article also contains massive spoilers from the Tokyo Revengers manga series.
Tokyo Revengers manga: Aspects that contributed to sub-par reading experience
The protagonist
Takemichi seemed to have a polarizing effect on the fanbase. On one hand, plenty of fans loved this character because he was relentless and refused to give up in the face of adversity. While these are qualities that are prerequisites to being a shonen protagonist, others had a rather contrasting opinion of him.
People seemed to dislike the character quite a lot because of his excessive complaints and crying. At the end of the day, he was an adult who traveled back in time and continued behaving like a child once again.
For someone who decided to go back to a life filled with delinquents and violence, he did not show any sort of preparation for the kind of hardships he would face. That’s not to say that fans expected him to be an expert in fighting. However, a few viewers/readers certainly expected him to take the punishment without complaining as much as he did in the show. Takemichi certainly played a role in a portion of viewers disliking the series.
For someone that has the ability to travel back in time, Takemichi could have used it in a much more efficient manner to acquire riches and status. This would, in turn, help him create the strongest delinquent gang, but it took him an innumerable number of tries to finally achieve his goal.
Time traveling
Given that the premise of the show involved the utilization of time traveling, one would expect that the rules governing it would be consistent and logical without exceptions. Fans and viewers know that time traveling, at the end of the day, is pseudo-science.
However, plenty of fictional stories attempt to set the rules which govern the working of time traveling. Tokyo Revengers completely failed to do so. There were a ton of inconsistencies in time traveling that were very confusing for fans to watch.
Ending of the manga
The conclusion of the manga did not satisfy a large portion of the Tokyo Revengers fanbase. The reason for this is the fact that the manga was incredibly rushed, the ending also undid all the character development that took place during the series.
The relationships built during the course were erased in one swift chapter. Furthermore, there were plenty of plotholes and characters’ origins that weren’t explored either. This could have been a big reason why the viewership for the second season of Tokyo Revengers dropped substantially.
Stay tuned for more Tokyo Revengers manga and anime news as 2023 progresses.