Produced by Doga Kobo, Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian anime has become one of the brightest gems of the Summer 2024 session. Following its sensational debut on July 4, 2024, the anime set the anime community abuzz with its captivating plot and characters.
The series' rising popularity also compelled the audience to wonder about the series' existence in the manga format.
Those fans would love to know that while Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian anime is an adaptation of SunSunSun and Momoco's light novel series, it also has a manga version with Saho Tenamichi's illustration. Follow along with this article to learn more about this rom-com anime's manga adaptation.
The manga version of Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian anime is serialized in Kodansha's Magazine Pocket app and website
Author SunSunSun and illustrator Momoco's Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian light novels haven't only inspired an anime under the production of Doga Kobo, but also a manga adaptation with Saho Tenamichi's illustrations. The manga illustrates SunSunSun's written word for the series and shows Alya and Masachika's unique relationship.
Fans who follow Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian anime may like to know that the manga adaptation has been serialized in Kodansha's Magazine Pocket website and application since October 29, 2022. Notably, 41 chapters have been published, as of this writing.
Kodansha's Magazine Pocket has collected the manga's chapters into four tankobon volumes, with the fifth volume slated to release on August 7, 2024. The company released the first volume on March 9, 2023 in Japan. Unfortunately, there's no official translated version of the manga available.
The publication company hasn't shared any updates regarding the manga's availability in English. Yet, even though Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian manga doesn't have an English-translated version, fans can read the light novel series, which is available in the English language. Yen Press publishes the novels in English.
On the other hand, fans who want to appreciate the manga illustrations of Alya, Masachika Kuze, Suou Yuki, and other important characters, can purchase the manga on various digital platforms, like Amazon JP, Kindle, and others. The manga can also be bought in local stores in Japan.
Additionally, they can access the website and app of Magazine Pocket to read the manga directly in Japanese. However, those who want to read rom-com manga in English (fan-translated versions) may have to resort to unofficial sources/websites.
About Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian anime
Based on author SunSunSun and illustrator Momoco's novel light series, Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian anime follows Alisa Mikhailvona Kujo aka Alya, a Russian-Japanese high school girl, known as the madonna of her school.
Even though she appears cold-hearted, Alya has a soft corner for her classmate, Masachika Kuze. While she does from time to time act coldly toward Masachika, the girl at times blurts out her actual feelings of affection for Kuze in the Russian language.
However, Alya doesn't know that Masachika Kuze understands the Russian tongue. As such, the rom-com anime centers around Alya and Masachika's chemistry and their daily lives in high school.
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