Based on Myojin Kato's light novel series, The Greatest Demon Lord is Reborn as a Typical Nobody anime follows a typical yet entertaining fantasy trope, where a powerful Demon Lord named Varvatos reincarnated several thousand years into the future as Ard Meteor, so that he could experience an ordinary and peaceful life.
However, even after reincarnating as Ard in the future, his social skills barely saw any improvement, as he often lacked common sense and misinterpreted women's feelings towards him, especially of his childhood friend Ireena's, who actually had romantic feelings towards him.
While their relationship never really developed into a romantic one in The Greatest Demon Lord is Reborn as a Typical Nobody anime, fans often wondered if Ard ended up with Ireena at any point in the light novel series.
Exploring if Ard got together with Ireena in The Greatest Demon Lord is Reborn as a Typical Nobody series
In his past life, the Demon Lord Varvatos was a loner since he never knew how to make friends or connect with other people, along with the fact that his overwhelming power created an unfillable gap between him and other people. In spite of saving humanity from peril, Varvatos was feared by them instead of being revered, which further added to his loneliness.
As such, Varvatos decided to reincarnate three thousand years into the future as an average villager named Ard Meteor, so that he could finally make some friends and live a happy life.
However, even after reincarnating, Ard Meteor failed to make any friends or foster meaningful relationships with people. This was due to the fact that Ard retained his memory, common sense, and social skills from his time as the Demon Lord, which made it even more difficult for him to relate to and connect with other people.
That said, things seemed to finally take a positive turn for Ard when he came across Ireena Litz de Olhyde on a fateful day in a forest. Upon discovering that she had been trapped by a wolf, Ard quickly rescued her, following which the two became friends.
Given that this incident took place when both of them were 12 years old, it basically made Ireena the oldest and closest friend of Ard. From thereon, the two went on to share an unbreakable bond, seeing as to how they fully trusted and relied on each other more than anyone else.
While Ard and Ireena mostly saw each other as a precious and valuable friend, it was eventually revealed that the latter had unknowingly developed romantic feelings for the former.
Apparently, Ireena had always been in love with Ard. However, due to her innocent nature, she was unsure how to interpret her feelings for him until she eventually met Ginny. When she saw Ard giving his attention to Ginny and other girls, Ireena displayed a more jealous and intolerant side to her, as she believed that Ard solely belonged to her.
As The Greatest Demon Lord is Reborn as a Typical Nobody series progressed further, Ireena, who was still unsure whether her feelings towards Ard were romantic or not, claimed that she wanted to remain by his side and be with him even during their darkest days. She was particularly intolerant towards Ginny's proposal of Ard having a harem, as she wanted to have him all to herself.
Therefore, it's clear that Ireena had genuine romantic feelings for Ard, even though the latter mistook her affection and considered her to be simply a friend. While the two ultimately never really got together at the end of the The Greatest Demon Lord is Reborn as a Typical Nobody anime, the light novel provided fans with a bit more hope for their union.
In volume 4 of the The Greatest Demon Lord is Reborn as a Typical Nobody light novel, it was heavily implied that Ard would be marrying Ireena and that they would even have a daughter together.
This was further proven in The Greatest Demon Lord is Reborn as a Typical Nobody light novel, when their supposed daughter, Ellis Meteor, came to the present and claimed that Ireena is her mother and indirectly said that her father was none other than Ard.
Although this gave fans a sliver of hope that Ireena and Ard would eventually get together at some point, Ellis' revelation of Ard having multiple wives in the future left them feeling conflicted about the relationship between the two beloved characters.
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