My Hero Academia, the popular superhero manga by Kohei Horikoshi, is ending soon and has entered the Final War arc. In this arc, the Heroes are engaged in a fierce battle against the Villains after successfully luring out All For One. The series has now reached an exciting stage and readers cannot wait to see what happens next.
However, the series' fans have noticed the absence of Katsuki Bakugo, the explosive deuteragonist, for a considerable period. It feels strange not to witness him in action for such a long time, especially considering his known competitiveness. Given his nature, one would expect him to be actively involved in the battlefield.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers from the My Hero Academia manga series.
Bakugo does not die in My Hero Academia
It would be a relief to many My Hero Academia fans to learn that Bakugo does not die in the series. Unfortunately, he was severely injured, which is why he has not been seen in a fight in quite some time. It was a blow from Shigaraki that ruptured Bakugo's heart and left him unconscious.
Edgeshot was immediately willing to give his life to repair Bakugo's broken heart. He became as thin as a surgical suture and began to heal Bakugo's body from within, thanks to his Quirk, Foldabody, which allows him to elongate and spread out his body.
This self-sacrificing gesture, however, came at a cost, as Edgeshot's lifespan was shortened due to the extreme stretching of his body. It is unclear whether he can revert to his natural form after this ordeal.
Given Edgeshot's presumed sacrifice and the author's tendency to avoid committing to the character deaths he writes, it is highly improbable that Bakugo will meet his end. But his fake-outs have been a constant source of irritation for readers, and deservedly so.
These instances not only make readers wary of whether to believe future deaths but also retroactively diminish the impact of significant events, such as Deku going all-out after being fueled by the news of Bakugo's death. Since it is the final part of the manga, many fans actually wanted Bakugo to die for real as it would add weight to the gains and losses of the war.
In conclusion, the question of whether Bakugo dies in My Hero Academia can be answered simply: he is alive and will eventually return. This is further supported by an artwork by Horikoshi, which portrays Bakugo with a scar on his chest, hinting at his new appearance upon his comeback.
Moreover, as seen in the epilogue of the series after the end of the final war arc, Bakugo is alive but not well. His heart becomes very weak after the manual diagnosis done by Edgeshot and just like Deku, his limbs are also at the last stage. But instead of relying on prosthetics, he opts for physical therapy and might retain every one of his powers at the end of the series.
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