With Blue Lock anime's premiere, fans were introduced to its protagonist Yoichi Isagi. Soon after, it introduced several supporting characters, with a major focus on Bachira, Kunigami, and Chigiri. Considering that the anime did not focus majorly on one of the three characters, fans were left confused as to who was the deuteragonist of the series.
Blue Lock follows the story of Yoichi Isagi, a boy who was invited to be part of the Blue Lock program, an initiative taken by the JFA to help Japan win the World Cup. There he was to compete with other u-20 strikers and defeat everyone to win a chance to represent the Japanese National team.
Who is the true deuteragonist of Blue Lock?
While many fans would believe that Meguru Bachira or Seishiro Nagi would be the deuteragonist of the anime, as per Blue Lock Wiki, Rin Itoshi is the anime's deuteragonist.
Meguru Bachira has been present in Blue Lock from the very beginning. He has been Isagi's closest friend in the facility, and the anime has also given him the second priority in several aspects, such as the opening theme song and plot focus. Nevertheless, it seems like his impact on the plot is far too less for him to be named the deuteragonist.
However, that's not the case for Seishiro Nagi, who has been present in the series from the very first arc. Following that, he was a major focus of the Second Selection arc where he worked alongside the series protagonist to clear the selection round.
Moreover, the character also has a special spinoff manga series, which is set to receive a movie, likely to be released in 2024. Regardless, the series does not recognize Seishiro Nagi as its deuteragonist.
Instead, Rin Itoshi has been named the deuteragonist of the Blue Lock anime. It is quite odd for him to be the deuteragonist since he was only introduced during the Second Selection. Moreover, the character only makes momentary appearances. While his time on screen or in the manga does have an impact, the amount of focus on him is just too less.
If anything, considering how much Isagi focuses on Rin, it would be better to say that the latter is the former's rival and possibly the series' antagonist. While there is no true antagonist in the series, considering how much time Isagi spends trying to surpass him, it only makes sense for him to be named as one.
Nevertheless, fans must remember that besides Isagi, Rin is the only character in the series with a goal as big as his. While every character in the series wants to become the best striker in the world and win the World Cup, Rin also has another goal, i.e., to defeat his brother, Sae Itoshi.
Considering how only Isagi and the former are focused on two goals at once, it is understandable why Rin Itoshi is considered Blue Lock's deuteragonist.