Claymore anime is based on the dark fantasy manga series by Norihiro Yagi, which ran from 2001 to 2014 and depicts the story of a group of female fighters called the Claymores who are half-human and half-Yoma, a race of shape-shifting monsters who prey on humans. A mysterious organization hires the Claymores to find and eliminate Yoma, but they risk battling their Yoma bloodline and losing their humanity.
Studio Madhouse turned Claymore into a 26-episode anime series that debuted in 2007 but became one of the most criticized series in anime history.
This is because the first 20 episodes, spanning the first 11 volumes of the manga, closely follow the source material. However, the anime departs from the manga and creates its unique finale, starting with episode 21, while the manga continues for 16 volumes.
The Claymore anime's departed ending caused its downfall
The fate of Priscilla, the series' primary antagonist, is the critical distinction between the Claymore anime and manga endings. Priscilla is a former Claymore who evolved into an awakened entity, a potent Yoma that exceeds what Claymores are typically capable of. She was to blame for Teresa's death, the series' main character, Clare's mentor and the strongest Claymore ever. Clare, who takes on Teresa's flesh and blood and turns into a Claymore herself, swears to slay Priscilla in retaliation for Teresa.
Priscilla appears in the anime's Northern Campaign arc, where she commands an army of newly awakened creatures in an assault on the city of Pieta, where several Claymores are stationed. Clare and her friends defeat Priscilla’s army and corner the antagonist.
Priscilla, who reclaims her human shape and memories, cries out for mercy. When Clare notices how much Priscilla resembles Teresa, she stops killing her. The curtains fall on the anime as Clare and Raki leave together, and Priscilla is carried away by Isley, another awakened entity who serves as her guardian.
Priscilla is absent from the Northern Campaign storyline in the manga. She and Isley stay concealed in the south until Clare feels Teresa's presence. Priscilla then departs from Isley and proceeds on a killing spree, taking the lives of several Claymores and awakened creatures. She then encounters Clare, who transforms into Teresa after reawakening, and the two are locked in a heated conflict for several chapters.
Finally, Teresa uses her telepathic abilities to permanently end Priscilla by eradicating her mind and spirit. The manga concludes with Clare and Raki reuniting after seven years apart while Teresa lives on through Clare’s spirit.
The leading cause for this happening is that the manga was still being written while the Claymore anime was made, which is why the two had distinct endings. The anime wrapped up the primary conflict between Clare and Priscilla since it had to come to an end.
This had the unfortunate side effect of forcing the anime to exclude or alter several story aspects and characters introduced later in the manga. For instance, there are more revelations in the manga about the origin and nature of Yoma, Claymores, and awakened beings. Moreover, there are more developments and interactions between Clare's allies.
Many fans favor the Claymore manga ending to the Claymore anime because it is more gratifying, logical, and accurate to the original story. Additionally, many characters and subplots left open-ended or unresolved in the anime receive more significant closure and resolution in the manga. While some viewers perceive Claymore anime as more unfaithful or open-ended, others embrace its lack of clarity, conciseness, and ambiguity.