My Hero Academia chapter 419 spoilers have been released and they revealed some heart-wrenching information about the protagonist of the series - Deku. In the past few chapters, he has been putting his life on the line and taking on Shigaraki while the rest of the world watches his heroic efforts.
However, chapter 418 of the series focused on the events that took place in the Dreamscape and it saw the return of AFO in the manga. Just when fans thought that he would no longer be involved in the story, he makes an appearance. His persistence knows no bounds and the recent spoilers revealed the extent of his villainous acts in the manga.
Based on the spoilers that are floating around on the internet, the fanbase seems to be wondering whether Deku loses his arms in My Hero Academia. In order to answer this question, one needs to take a closer look at the spoilers for My Hero Academia chapter 419.
Disclaimer: This article contains massive spoilers from the manga chapters. It also contains spoilers from chapter 419, which wasn’t released at the time of writing.
Did Deku lose both of his hands in the My Hero Academia

Yes, Deku lost both his arms during the fight against Shigaraki. However, this was a consequence of all the events that took place in the dreamscape. AFO’s return was hinted in the previous chapter and he finally made an appearance in the dreamscape.
Deku looked at Shigaraki’s memories and witnessed the first time his Decay quirk got activated. Shigaraki’s hatred and ideals could be traced back to this one incident.
In the dreamscape, Deku held his hands despite the quirk and wanted to stop him from going down the wrong path. The protagonist managed to bring about a change in Shigaraki’s heart, but AFO managed to interfere just then. At this point in time, he revealed the origins of the Decay quirk, and how it wasn’t even something Shigaraki was born with.

This is one of the most defining moments in My Hero Academia, because fans always thought that Shigaraki was born with this quirk. However, it was revealed that AFO managed to pass on this quirk to the little child on a day when he helped him cross the road. This was when Shigaraki’s Decay quirk was passed on and was shortly activated soon after.
AFO also had a conversation with Shigaraki and berated him for his inability to make decisions. The illusion of free will was projected onto Shigaraki by AFO and it was clear that the latter controlled his life at every step of the way.

AFO managed to destroy Shigaraki psychologically, which marked their return to the real world. This time, however, it was TomurAFO (Tomura Shigaraki’s body paired with AFO’s mind) returned. AFO declared Shigaraki’s death and advanced towards Deku, who was hurt on the battlefield.
It was at this juncture of My Hero Academia chapter 419 spoilers that Deku was shown to have lost both his arms. He was bleeding out and he couldn’t move due to the injuries that he had sustained in the fight. Therefore, it is confirmed that Deku lost both his arms in the manga after events that transpired in the dreamscape.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2024 progresses.
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