Bleach TYBW is the final arc of the manga and anime series Bleach, created by Tite Kubo. It revolves around the conflict between the Quincy, a human race with the ability to control spiritual energy, and the Soul Reapers. In an attempt to overthrow the Soul King and establish a new world order, the Quincy, under the leadership of their king Yhwach, invade both the Human World and the Soul Society.
The Sternritter "Z" or "The Zombie," Giselle Gewelle, is one of the most fascinating and divisive characters in Bleach TYBW. She is a Quincy who can make anyone into her submissive zombie slave with her blood. Despite her identification and presentation as a female, she is biologically male as well.
Role of Giselle in Bleach TYBW
Giselle first made her appearance in Bleach TYBW during the Wandenreich's (the Quincy army under Yhwach) invasion of the Soul Society. She and Bambietta Basterbine, Candice Catnipp, Liltotto Lamperd, and Meninas McAllon are among the female Sternritter collectively referred to as the Bambies.
Giselle and the Bambies battled Ichigo Kurosaki and his allies during the second invasion. The Quincy revealed her ability to control the corpses of the Soul Reapers who had been killed to demonstrate how she could also turn living people into zombies by forcing them to consume her blood.
Giselle and the other Bambies supported Bambietta after she was defeated by 7th Division captain Sajin Komamura. Giselle then killed Bambietta and turned her into a zombie, using her as a weapon against the Soul Reapers. She is later confronted by Yumichika Ayasegawa and Ikkaku Madarame, the former of whom suspects that Giselle is attempting to incite an attack before thinking that her blood could be dangerous.
After Yumichika cuts off Bambietta's arm, the latter blasts Ikkaku and Yumichika away after Giselle picks up the arm and reveals that Bambietta is already dead. However, Mayuri Kurotsuchi arrives and states that her power is very interesting, prompting Giselle to learn about his identity. The fight becomes heated as Bambietta loses her battle with Mayuri. Giselle calls forth multiple zombie Shinigami, but Mayuri counters with a summons of four resurrected Arrancar.
Mayuri describes how he used blood samples from Gotei 13 members to create drugs that alter blood composition to take control over Giselle's zombies. Kensei and Rose then stand up behind Mayuri, who bids her farewell as Kensei stabs her through the heart.
Nevertheless, Giselle escapes the attack and carries Bambietta to a cave formed of debris, where she starts to consume Bambietta's blood. When Bambietta tries to stop her from drinking up too much of it, Giselle beats Bambietta severely, declaring she must return the blood to her.
The situation worsened when Yhwach activated Auswahlen (Holy Selection), a technique that robs the Sternritter of their powers and transfers them to him and a few selected Quincy who are chosen. However, Giselle, Liltotto, and Bazz-B are enraged to be treated in such a way, while Accutrone, another Sternritter who was with Giselle, was killed by it.
As of the latest episode of Bleach TYBW, Giselle is still alive, but her fate is uncertain as they face the wrath of the Quincy king. To find out what happens to Giselle and the others, fans will have to wait until the remaining episodes of Bleach TYBW are released, which will be available for streaming on Hulu, Netflix, and Disney+ in select countries.