In Dragon Ball, the Gods of Destruction and their Angels use a special type of divine Ki known as the God Ki. Goku and Vegeta learned to use this Ki with their Super Saiyan God transformations. However, even in their Super Saiyan God form, the two Saiyans were no match for the Universe 11 warrior, Jiren.
Jiren was able to effortlessly withstand their attacks by creating an invisible wall of Ki around him. The enormous amount of Ki displayed by Jiren during his fight has got fans questioning if he is also a God Ki user.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Dragon Ball series.
Jiren's limitless power in Dragon Ball and the possibility of him being a God Ki user

Jiren possesses an enormous amount of Ki, however, he is a mortal and doesn't have the God Ki. The monstrous strength he displayed in the Tournament of Power came from his fiery mortal Ki, making his feats even more impressive. He was able to go toe-to-toe with the likes of Goku and Vegeta and easily outclass their Super Saiyan Blue transformations which required the use of God Ki. Even with Kaioken Blue, Goku was nowhere near Jiren's power level.
It was mentioned in Dragon Ball Super that Jiren's raw power was strong enough to rival that of a God of Destruction. This points to the fact that he can easily achieve God Ki if he trains for it like Goku and Vegeta. He is said to be even stronger than Belmond, his universe's God of Destruction. So, acquiring God Ki would be easy for someone like him.
During his fight against Goku's Perfected Ultra Instict, Jiren was able to push past his limits, unlocking his full potential and bringing out a burst of raw power. He had a sparkling crimson aura around him consisting of rippling, fire-like energy. Jiren was able to land some hits on Goku while in this state, despite his Ultra Instinct.

A master at Ki manipulation, the audience got to see Jiren's wide range of techniques during the Tournament of Power. He used his signature move, Power Impact, on the likes of Goku, Vegetea, and Kale during the tournament.
In this technique, a small orb gets released by Jiren, which goes on to become a massive ball of energy, destroying the opponent on impact. A single blast from this was enough to stop Kale during her Saiyan form rampage.
During his fight with Autonomous Ultra Instinct Goku, Jiren used an extremely powerful version of Power Impact by compressing massive levels of power into a small orb. However, Goku was able to catch the orb with ease and dispel it.

Jiren's other impressive attacks include his glare and invisible wall. With his massive Ki, Jiren is able to create a shock wave by glaring at his opponents thus pushing them back. Additionally, he also has an invisible energy wall around him which makes it really hard for opponents to land an attack on him successfully.
Fans would love to see a rematch between Jiren and Goku now that some time has passed since the Tournament of Power. Goku has learned to master his Ultra Instinct better, whereas it still remains a mystery as to how much stronger Jiren has become. Fans speculate that the next time these two titans meet in Dragon Ball, Jiren will also be a God Ki user, giving Goku a run for his money.