Fuyumi Ono's Shiki anime is a captivating and thought-provoking series that was released over a decade ago. Featuring a complex story revolving around the lives of both humans and vampires, it delves into themes of morality, life, and death. When it came out, the anime was fairly popular among fans, which left some wondering if it was based on a manga.
While the answer is yes, the anime was initially developed from Fuyumi Ono's light novel series, which had the same name. Shiki eventually got adapted into the manga format, generating quite a dedicated fanbase over the years due to its ability to blend horror elements, psychological suspense, and thought-provoking themes all into a comprehensive and complex tale.
Manga adaptation of the Shiki anime was first released in December 2007
Fuyumi Ono's light novel series, Shiki, was adapted into the manga format by Ryu Fujisaki and serialized in Jump Square Magazine by Publisher Shueisha. It ran for a total of eleven volumes, with the first chapter of the manga released in December 2007. The manga lasted for a total of 41 chapters, with the last one released in June 2011.
Ryu Fujisaki's adaptation of Shiki closely followed the events of the original light novels, depicting the eerie events that take place in the village of Sotoba as it grapples with mysterious deaths and the emergence of vampires. The overall storytelling and art style of the manga perfectly captured the chilling elements of the original light novel series.
Plot of the Shiki anime
Shiki is a supernatural horror anime released in 2010, where the events of the story take place in an isolated village named Sotoba. The story begins with the arrival of the mysterious Kirishiki family, who reside in a Western-style mansion on the outskirts of the village. Soon after their arrival, however, the villagers fall prey to mysterious and sudden deaths. This leaves the local doctor, Toshio Ozaki, perplexed by the unexplainable nature of the deaths.
Meanwhile, the protagonist of the series, Natsuno Yuuki, develops a deep dislike for the village due to his monotonous life in Sotoba. However, his life turns upside down when his friend, Megumi Shimizu, falls victim to a mysterious death and subsequently returns as a vampire.
With the death toll in the village rising day by day, Toshio, aided by a priest named Seishin Muroi, embarks on an investigation to unravel the strange occurrences that have been plaguing the village. They eventually come across the existence of vampires, undead beings referred to as Shiki, who prey upon humans. It eventually leads to a desperate fight for survival among the villagers and the Shiki.
To conclude
The Shiki anime does an excellent job of portraying the personal struggles of both humans and the Shiki. It challenges the viewers' perception of right and wrong, blurring the lines between good and evil as the characters deal with their beliefs and actions in the face of an existential threat.
It also does a great job of portraying the impact of fear and superstition on humans when faced with the threat of the unknown. Overall, the Shiki anime is a compelling and thought-provoking story that perfectly captures the complexity of human nature and themes of morality and survival.