Solo Leveling Ragnarok is a spin-off sequel web novel to the immensely popular series Solo Leveling. It has piqued fans' interest since its serialization began on KakaoPage in April 2023. Written by Daul, who took over from the original author of Solo Leveling, Chugong, this sequel continues the narrative of the original series.
The original web novel series has been adapted for both webtoon and animated media. The hype surrounding the ongoing anime adaptation has further fueled anticipation for this spin-off story. Fans are eager to explore the storyline of Solo Leveling Ragnarok and its connection to the source material, especially since the narrative follows Sung Jinwoo's son, Sung Suho.
The upcoming webtoon adaptation of the sequel is scheduled to be released in 2024. It has piqued the curiosity of newcomer enthusiasts who are eager to delve into this continuation of the captivating Solo Leveling universe.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Solo Leveling Ragnarok.
Exploring the identity of the protagonist and other details about Solo Leveling Ragnarok, a sequel spin-off
Solo Leveling Ragnarok: Who is the protagonist of the Solo Leveling sequel? A brief overview of the narrative
The story of Solo Leveling Ragnarok revolves around the main protagonist, Sung Suho, the son of the protagonist of the original series, Sung Jin-woo, and S-Rank hunter, Cha Hae-in.
Suho previously appeared in the original series, debuting in chapter 191 of the Solo Leveling manhwa. He is also featured in the epilogue chapters of the main series, which lay the foundation for the sequel spin-off.
The narrative of the sequel unfolds after the events of the original series, where the main protagonist, Sung Suho, sets out on his journey to become a Hunter following the reappearance of the Gates and the mysterious disappearance of his parents.
Unlike his father, Sung Jinwoo, who initially struggled as a weak hunter, Sung Suho was born with formidable abilities due to being the son of the Shadow Monarch. He also inherited the Shadow Monarch's powers.
However, as his overwhelming powers began affecting his life, Jinwoo locked away Suho's powers and memories to ensure a normal childhood until Suho could control them better and understand how to use them properly.
In Solo Leveling Ragnarok, Suho begins his adventures during his third year of University when the Gates start resurfacing on Earth, and the System chooses him to become a Player.
Solo Leveling Ragnarok: Present status and where to read it
Upon its release, Solo Leveling Ragnarok garnered significant buzz with its initial 105 chapters. Currently, the web novel has surpassed 180 chapters, all available for reading on the KakaoPage website.
However, this South Korean platform for web novels and manhwa is restricted to its home country and not accessible to a global audience. Consequently, international fans are unable to access the series through this platform.
Furthermore, no official English translation is available, and there have been no announcements regarding its release for a worldwide audience in the near future.
Final thoughts
Given the hype surrounding the ongoing original series anime, it's reasonable to expect the sequel to attract more attention over time. As the spin-off web novel only began serialization in 2023, it is still relatively new, raising hopes for an English adaptation in the near future.
Additionally, the upcoming webtoon adaptation of the sequel series is set to be released this year. If the manhwa adaptation can gather enough attention and popularity, the likelihood of it receiving a global release will also increase.