The anime adaptation of Yasuki Tanaka's Summertime Rendering has received critical acclaim from fans of the manga all over the world. With a premise similar to popular anime such as Re:Zero and Tokyo Revengers, the story follows Shinpei Ajiro, who returns to his hometown due to the tragic death of his childhood friend, Ushio Kofune.
However, things take a dark turn when Shinpei discovers the existence of 'shadows' and their plan to cover the entire island in darkness. He also discovers that he can travel back in time when he dies, an ability that he uses in his fight against the shadows.
For the majority of the Summertime Rendering anime, fans had to see their favorite characters die over and over again in many brutal ways, which led them to question: Will the anime provide a happy ending for the characters?
Taking a look at the conclusion of the Summertime Rendering anime
Throughout the entirety of Summertime Rendering, Shinpei Ajiro was in a race against time to put an end to the Shadows' plans and prevent the world from ending. Although seeming like an impossible goal at first, Shinpei manages to achieve his goal with the help of his friends, thereby putting an end to Shide's schemes and securing a peaceful future for the world.
In the 24th episode of Summertime Rendering, Shide, the main antagonist of the series, explained his motives and expressed his desire to witness the end of the world before he died. However, Shinpei managed to put an end to his schemes by shooting him with the hacking bullets, which were created by Ushio. The bullets proved to be effective, as they managed to kill Shide once and for all.
Following their victory, Shinpei, Ushio, Haine, and Ryuunosuke were transported back to 300 years ago. This was the time when Hiruko, in the form of a whale, had washed up on the shore and came into contact with the human Haine. This was the event that led to everything that has happened till now, and they were brought to this time so that Ushio could prevent Haine from making contact with Hiruko.
However, Shinpei mistakenly ended up scaring away the human Haine. This gave Ushio time to erase Hiruko, which caused all the shadows to disappear. Haine's shadow was the first one to disappear, followed by Ryuunosuke. As the episode reached its end, Ushio and Shinpei bid each other a tearful goodbye, reminiscing about their time together and how they were glad to see each other one last time.
Although this episode could have served as a finale, Episode 25 continued the story of the characters and gave them a sense of normalcy with the threat of the shadows now being gone. The episode started with Shinpei on his way back to the island and on the boat once again, although this time he seemed to have no memories of the events that have transpired throughout the series.
The finale of Sumertime Rendering provided the characters with a normal and pleasant life. With the shadows no longer in existence, the island of Hitogashima was finally at peace. Viewers finally got to see Ushio and Shinpei reunite under normal circumstances, as the two seemingly had some recollection of the memories from the previous loops. Overall, the finale served as a beautiful goodbye to all the characters that the viewers had gotten attached to over the course of the series.
After dying and seeing his loved ones perish in front of him over and over again, Shinpei Ajiro had finally found peace. It was a breath of fresh air to see him and the characters get a much-deserved break, as everything seemed to be bright, colorful, and hopeful, in contrast to the beginning of the series.
To conclude
The Summertime Rendering anime captivated the fans not only with its stunning and flawless animation but also with a gripping and suspenseful storyline that had the viewers at the edge of their seats. Fans of the series got to witness Shinpei's journey from a helpless individual to the one who saved the entire world with the help of his friends.
The finale of Summertime Rendering anime was a perfect sendoff to the beloved characters, who fans were rooting for to get a happy ending after witnessing all the suffering that they have endured throughout the series. It ended the series on a high note, as fans finally got to see their characters living a normal and a happy life, free from the threats of the shadows.