The Kingdom of Ruin is a highly anticipated dark fantasy anime series directed by Keitaro Motonaga and animated by Studio Yokohama Animation Lab, scheduled for release in October 2023. With its release date approaching, it may be interesting for fans to know that The Kingdom of Ruin has a manga as well.
It is written and illustrated by Yoruhashi and has been serialized in Mag Garden's Monthly Comic Garden magazine since April 2019. The manga has been praised for its complex characters, unique setting, and beautiful artwork. It has also been hailed for its gritty tone and plot, which explore the darker side of human nature.
The Kingdom of Ruin manga: Where to read, what to expect, and more
The Kingdom of Ruin manga was initially released in Monthly Comic Garden magazine, which is a Japanese monthly manga magazine published by Mag Garden in April 2019. Currently, there are eight tankōbon volumes available.
Seven Seas Entertainment licensed the series for English publication in April 2020. The manga is available on Manga Doa, Mag Comi, and pixiv Comic websites in Japanese, and on Seven Seas Entertainment's website and Amazon Kindle in English.
The Kingdom of Ruin is a captivating and gritty manga that delves into complex themes such as revenge, violence, and the essence of humanity. This captivating story is set in a unique world where witches have been mercilessly wiped out, leaving behind a sense of desolation.
The protagonist, Adonis, is an ambitious young man, who is driven by an unwavering determination to seek justice and avenge the tragic loss of his beloved master.
What fans can expect from The Kingdom of Ruin manga
Fans of this manga series can expect to be captivated by a meticulously crafted world, complex characters, immersive world-building, and plot twists. The series balances action and drama, entertaining readers as mysteries unravel, alliances form, and the stakes soar ever higher.
Every new tankōbon volume invites readers to delve deeper into this fantastical realm and become emotionally invested in the fate of its characters. The Kingdom of Ruin is a gripping narrative that offers manga enthusiasts a rich and rewarding reading experience.
Plot of The Kingdom of Ruin
The Kingdom of Ruin follows the journey of Adonis, a young apprentice witch, driven by vengeance after his teacher is killed by the Redia Empire. The empire has a strong opposition to magic and actively hunts down and suppresses witches, prioritizing science over supernatural abilities.
Adonis sets out on a dangerous journey, entangled in a gripping battle between science and magic. His ultimate objective is to dismantle the empire responsible for his teacher's tragic fate. Along the way, he encounters numerous obstacles that test not only his physical capabilities but also his emotional resilience. Overcoming personal grief and anger becomes paramount as he confronts the formidable might of the empire.
This series is a story about revenge, redemption, and the power that magic has to change the world.
The anime adaptation of the manga, which is set to release on October 7, 2023, is expected to take viewers on a captivating and emotional journey. With its visually stunning and atmospheric setting, well-developed characters, and a gripping storyline, this series is sure to have an impact on the audiences.