Toji Fushiguro, a character in the popular anime and manga series Jujutsu Kaisen, made a memorable entrance during the Hidden Inventory arc. This particular storyline not only showcased his formidable presence as the Sorcerer Killer but also raised intriguing questions about his knowledge of his own son, Megumi Fushiguro.
Despite their revealed familial connection, Toji's apparent lack of recognition left fans astonished. In this article, we explore the intricacies of Toji's character, unraveling the subtle clues and layers surrounding his relationship with Megumi. This article will only consider the information revealed so far in Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 and will not consider the happenings of the manga.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for the Hidden Inventory arc of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga
Toji Fushiguro and his forgetfulness
In Jujutsu Kaisen, Toji Fushiguro, also known as the Sorcerer Killer, raises intriguing questions about his knowledge of his son, Megumi Fushiguro. Even though the story remains rather ambiguous at times, Toji Fushiguro does know that Megumi is his son.
Toji's character is complex, influenced by a troubled past and characterized by a fluctuation between indifference and surprising depth. The main point of contention lies in the level of Toji's awareness about Megumi and their connection.
Some fans argue that Toji is aware of Megumi's identity. In the Hidden Inventory Arc, there are certain moments that suggest Toji remembers his son. For example, after Toji's fight against Geto, Toji acknowledges Megumi while remembering that he is the one who gave him the name Megumi. This recognition indicates that Toji might have had moments of clarity regarding his son's existence.
Moreover, Toji's decision to share Megumi's inevitable destiny with Gojo can be interpreted as another indicator. It reveals a rare instance of vulnerability, indirectly appealing to Gojo for assistance in Megumi's life. This implies that deep down, Toji still cares about his son's welfare, contradicting his outward behavior.
On the other hand, the series purposely keeps a level of uncertainty. Toji is depicted as a morally ambiguous character, and his choices often lean toward personal gain and ruthlessness.
Toji's initial reaction to Shiu Kong, his handler's question about Megumi's welfare in Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, also compelled Toji to think for quite some time. This might also indicate that Toji was already aware of Megumi, but he feigned ignorance to keep him out of the hitman world. Toji's complex history and unpredictable behavior make it difficult to determine the extent of his understanding.
Toji Fushiguro's character in Jujutsu Kaisen is deeply shaped by his troubled past. As a member of the prestigious Zenin Clan, he faced isolation and mistreatment due to his inability to use cursed energy, which held great importance within his clan. This early rejection fueled Toji's resentment towards the clan and the wider jujutsu society.
Despite finding temporary reform after marrying Megumi's mother, her tragic death led him down a destructive path of gambling and recklessness. To cope with his pain, he repressed memories associated with Megumi and his late wife. Toji Fushiguro's complex background plays a crucial role in understanding his enigmatic personality and his complicated relationship with his son, Megumi.
Final thoughts
Toji Fushiguro leaves fans questioning how much he knows about Megumi. The series drops subtle hints that suggest Toji may be aware of Megumi's true identity but deliberately maintains an air of uncertainty to reflect his morally ambiguous nature.
Toji Fushiguro's troubled past, which includes rejection within the Zenin Clan and the tragic loss of Megumi's mother, adds complexity to his character. It's possible that his brief lapse in memory regarding Megumi was a result of his depression following that profound loss, revealing yet another layer to his intricate personality.