Dr. Stone season 4 episode 2 was expected to further the Perseus’ journey, possibly even bringing it to a point where landfall has been all but made by the crew. Officially released on Thursday, January 16, 2025, the latest installment to the anime series did exactly that, with the California coastline appearing over the horizon at the episode’s end.
Dr. Stone season 4 episode 2, likewise sees Senku and the crew begin thinking ahead to any danger they might face, training and strengthening themselves as a precaution. Excitingly, this also includes the revivals of some of the series’ strongest characters, such as Hyoga and Moz, teasing immediate action once the Kingdom of Science makes landfall in America.
Dr. Stone season 4 episode 2 sees the Perseus’ journey end after some swiftly resolved tribulations
Brief episode recap
Dr. Stone season 4 episode 2 began with a brief flashback two weeks before Perseus’ departure. This showed Senku and the others starting fermentation to make alcohol, specifically beer. The episode then returns to the present, where Perseus' crew celebrates by drinking. However, some like Senku, Chrome, Suika, Gen, and Ukyo were choosing (or, in Suika’s case, forced) to stay sober in order to run the ship.
Ryusui, however, refused to allow them all to sit out from the festivities, in turn asking François to craft some non-alcoholic cocktails for those who couldn’t imbibe. Senku then made some gum syrup from their spare wheat flour, starting with starch and then adding sulfuric acid and toxic witherite. Chrome then made yogurt out of the goat’s milk they had on board, using it to make a lactic drink, which François used for her mocktails.
Dr. Stone season 4 episode 2 saw Suika ecstatic with the drink she had made for her, complete with a cucumber garnish that even looked like Suika. François also showed Suika how the cucumber played a purpose in the drinking experience, calling the drink the 2Side Sunshine in Suika’s honor. François then made specially inspired drinks for Tsukasa, Gen, Kohaku, and even Senku himself.

Ginro and Kinro then approached Matsukaze, asking him to speak about his former master. He recounted the day several Medusa devices fell from the sky, starting a conflict that his original master tried to stop. The master’s final moments alive lamented that the heavens wanted humans to fight by sending down multiple devices since one would turn them all to stone.
Dr. Stone season 4 episode 2, saw Matsukaze cut down several attackers who approached, eventually accepting his fate and choosing to turn to stone. However, he inscribed a warning onto his stone arm before being fully petrified, drawing the Medusa Device. At that moment, François approached and gave Matsukaze his own special drink as well, leading to the reveal that he was a lightweight when it came to alcoholic drinks.
Waking up the next day, he apologized for his actions the night before while the others were training for combat. Likewise, Senku decided to trust Tsukasa’s intuition and revive Hyoga in order to help train Matsukaze. Hyoga agreed, but only on the condition of having the right to awaken two people of his choice. He ended up choosing Moz and Homura Momiji before deciding to begin training with Matsukaze.
Dr. Stone season 4 episode 2 saw Ginro speaking with Kinro, expressing his desire to train, but not with Hyoga’s group. This led Kinro to train with Ginro in secret in another area of the ship, the latter clearly inspired by recent events and discussions to better himself. Ryusui then told the tale of Vikings to the Perseus’ leadership, explaining that they used a sunstone to determine their bearing by locating the sun in any weather condition.
Senu then interrupted, saying their journey would be easier thanks to scientific amenities like a stone world GPS. Senku then explained that their GPS would coordinate with Ruri and the others in Japan. Focus shifted to Ruri in Japan, who explained that the hourglasses and sundial they had set up helped them transmit the time in Japan as accurately as possible to the Perseus. Ukyo then explained that they send short-wave signals every hour, on the hour.
Dr. Stone season 4 episode 2, then saw Senku explain all he has to do is count the seconds, which is easy as long as he knows the hour. Chrome and Kaseki then figured out the time for them locally, giving Ryusui all the information he needed to determine the ship’s latitude and longitude. The group celebrated such a reliable system when the skies were clear, prompting the weather to change to a thunderstorm immediately.

Senku and Ryusui lamented how much more difficult and time-consuming this could make the trip, while Chrome seemingly realized they had a sunstone on board while speaking with Suika. He then gave Kohaku a rock to chisel out for him and created a tool to house the gem, allowing him to locate the sun.
Senku confirmed that Chrome made a sunstone for them, making their sailing in foul weather much easier and more reliable. Dr. Stone season 4 episode 2 began a montage of the crew persevering through tough weather and more, finding giant icebergs and whales along the way. The episode ended with the group finally arriving in America.
In summation
The latest installment of the beloved television anime series is an incredibly exciting one, swiftly setting up the true start of the fourth season’s first part. Fans can expect Senku and co to immediately work on achieving their goals once they make landfall, learning more about how America has changed in the Stone World in the process. Fans can also expect the season’s antagonistic forces to slowly but surely be introduced as Senku’s group settles into America.
Related links
- Dr. Stone season 4 episode 1 highlights
- Dr. Stone season 4 episode 1 review
- Dr. Stone season 4 part 1 complete release schedule
- Senku's 10 greatest inventions in Dr. Stone
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